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Oldhouse Inn|发布了General Questions


所以要做什么的绝缘?没有山脊所以没有通风口,没有拱门,除非你打开窗户,否则没有任何地方。在阁楼里,有一个有两个10“x20”窗户的膝盖墙。如果您想要空气 - 外部墙板超过200岁,并且密集为“旧增长”,它们可以删除。并且状况良好,所以无需更换它们。还有没有山脊通风口(没有通风口,除非你打开Windows!)是什么?哦,从哪里开始,该怎么办!!)

Currently the house “breathes” because there is nothing to stop air flow.

Oh, and we are less than one mile from the Atlantic Ocean, get all the fog and have a high water table — we can’t do much about the water issues, and the house for the most part sits on granite walls and has a crawl space So humidity is generally 40% or higher…. I never have dry skin even in January!

So, Roxul? between floors is a possibility, since the house needs a fire wall and sound proofing, but what to do about the walls?

suggestions? from you who live in houses pre-1800 would be especially nice…

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  1. Ken Chester||#1

    Hi, I have an 1840 cape. We used closed cell urethane in the walls and roof area. We stripped all the clapboards, trim and sheathing to add the urethane from the exterior. We then put back all the old material, but replaced the siding with spruce clapboards and stainless nails. The roof is a cold roof system with a 3/4" air gap from soffet to gable vent. Recently we added 2-4" of closed cell urethane to the floors. Our wood use has dropped from 7 to 2 cords. The house is fairly small at 1300 sq ft.

  2. GBA Editor

    You didn't explain the wall and roof construction thoroughly, but I presume there are wall studs between the posts, and that these stud cavities are empty. (Not all older buildings have wall studs, so I may be wrong.)

    If you do have empty framing cavities, the usual approach is to insulate them with dense-packed cellulose. This means you'll either have to drill access holes on the interior, and later patch the holes, or you'll have to temporarily remove some of the siding to blow cellulose from the exterior.

    If you can't install cellulose, your other options are rigid foam or spray foam. Either of these options usually requires stripping either the interior finishes or the siding and roofing to gain access.

  3. Dan Kolbert||#3


    Let me know where in Maine you are - I know good auditors/insulation contractors in various parts of the state who may be good resources for you.

  4. Ken Chester||#4

    Here's a photo of what I did in the main part of the house. I used two layers of urethane foam with foil facing, leaving a gap to fill with canned foam. The one drawback with this is our cell phones don't work as well inside this part of the house.

  5. Thomas Peterson||#5

    All of the answers provided above sound reasonable. However, I learned long ago that giving advice to questions asked at home shows was often misleading to the clients. Upon seeing their project, I often found that any advice given site unseen was inappropriate for their particular circumstances. Get a professional on site before you follow any one method for solving your problems.

  6. Expert Member
    Michael Maines||#6


  7. 用户-1139723||#7


  8. AJ Builder,Upstate Ny区6A||#8


  9. Albert Rooks||#9


    Mineral Wool is a good solution for adding exterior insulation.


    安装MW易于安装泡沫板。安装视频此处: In some respects MW is a "safer layer" than foam boards since the layers can dry as they need to in the event of defects.

  10. Expert Member
    Michael Maines||#10

    Oldhouse, where in Maine are you? I live in Portland and work at a design/build firm in Freeport, so I'm quite familiar with MUBEC but have not heard it called "the California Code." I also have not heard of towns that don't allow cellulose or spray foam--that's an ignorant stance unless you mean uncovered insulation.

    我们在雅茅斯一个类似的项目where the owner did not allow us to touch the outside of the building. We ended up installing Roxul in the stud bays.

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