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Matthew Salkeld|发布General Questions

一个相当大的问题 -

Net Zero Energy building standard is ramping up in Canada. It is obvious to many however the target should instead be Net Zero Carbon with the inclusion of a Life Cycle Analysis of the building.

Anyway, the Net Zero Energy standard includes a PV array to generate as much electricity annually as the house consumes in energy (of all fuel types). In Canada the vast majority of the solar electricity is generated over six sunny months. This might have implications or a poor match for some electricity grids that use the most electricity in winter.

NZ PV系统的规模如何与当地公用事业,网格和季节性需求的需求相吻合?NZ PV大小的阵列比实践更任意吗?



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  1. 乔恩·R||#1




    1. 泰勒·肯尼斯顿||#3

      >“ PV的成本效益比在NZ建筑物中经常使用的建筑规模的PV高2-3倍”

      Jon, would it be fair to say most of the extra cost goes into labor? Or are there other variables like panel rates.

      1. 乔恩·R||#4

        您可能会在下面找到该信息。请注意,我是保守的 - 住宅光伏可能比公用事业量表高5倍。

  2. 泰勒·肯尼斯顿||#2

    >"Is the NZ PV sized array more arbitrary than practical?"





  3. Matthew Salkeld||#5


    房主通过低成本抵押贷款为他们的光伏提供资金,使数字还可以并利用私人财富。您的观点是被提出的 - 如果我们可以利用私人财富进入太阳能农场,则可能会进一步发展。

    Would it be possible the have a system that is not grid tied? This for example could run the air conditioning with or even without an inverter? Would eliminate hassle for the utilities. I wonder if utilities actually welcome the idea of tens of thousands of supply interconnects?


    The Net Zero Carbon opportunity is storing carbon sequestered in biomass in the building for a hundred years. This compared to either burning that biomass for power and releasing its carbon or using conventional insulation that produces significant GHGs.

    1. 泰勒·肯尼斯顿||#6



      Sizing solar to meet year-round energy demand strikes me as a way to basically 1) feel good about your personal project, or 2) 'optimize' your dollars based on other set parameters, like the size of the house and the cost of the kitchen counters.


      This isn't all to say solar shouldn't go on the roof. It's to say one should perhaps simply put up as big a system as desired / can afford (or as Jon suggests invest in community solar, though I agree with you that we ought to use our roofs since they are there looking up at the sky anyways). Land use issues will become ever more present as the grid transitions more fully to renewables.

    2. 泰勒·肯尼斯顿||#7


      Thermal storage could prove valuable. But I would still argue we're better off with all the systems tied together. The larger the balancing area, the less likely we are to curtail renewable generation or demand other supply sources.

    3. 专家成员

      您不需要AC或DC元素。RMS AC电压的定义是AC电压,其将产生与电阻载荷中相同DC电压相同的工作量。由于加热元件是电阻载荷,因此用240V直流功率喂养的240V AC元件将在瓦特中提供完全相同的热能。


      只使用峰值刮胡子太阳系(load reduction during the time when solar is producing power), and call it good. Peak power is both most expensive, and usually also least efficient, so using solar power to reduce peak loads provides maximum benefit at minimal cost.

      我之前也说过,我讨厌碳是能量代名词的概念 - 事实并非如此。这在加拿大尤其是一个问题,其中绝大多数消耗的电力是由没有碳排放的水力发电产生的。坚持能量,甚至在物理事物中体现能量,也不要尝试用碳处理所有东西。


      1. 泰勒·肯尼斯顿||#12

        >"I’ve said before too that I hate the concept of carbon being synonymous with energy — it is not. "

        I think that's the point Bill, and why people are using carbon in place of energy for discussions that pertain to climate specifically. It's good not to equate them. But if someone's goal is reducing carbon, then the discussion should revolve around carbon (really CO2e). I would think anyways.


  4. Matthew Salkeld||#9

    Thanks Bill, what about using the enphase micro inverter at the PV panel - would that solve the problem of having to upgrade the hot water tank switch?

    That is also my thesis to focus on shaving peak power production on summer afternoons as this should have multiple benefits at the lowest cost. Again in Canada we typically have really low emissions power barring AB SK and NS.


    1. 专家成员

      Any inverter that is providing you with AC power to run things will be fine with the water heater as long as it has enough capacity to run it. Resistive loads are the easiest loads to power. It’s typically reactive loads (motors, a few other things) that can be tricky sometimes.


  5. Matthew Salkeld||#10


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