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Metal vs tile roof, with price parity?

Davor Radman| Posted inGeneral Questionson

I live in Central Europe, where, for the most part, tile roofs are by the most used roofing system.

Currently, I am trying to do some cost cutting on my future home, so I started investigating metal roofing. Looks really great.

But where I live, it’s not any cheaper than tile.

House is brick, mortar and concrete, and roof itself would not be insulated, only the ceiling.

我应该继续调查金属屋面,or just go with tile in this case?

Also, while I’m at it, is it worth giving any thought to flat roof, when low energy houses are concerned?
They do look nice and elegant, but lack of overhangs would have to be dealt with in some way, like horizontal shading, like pergolas or something? I was planing on having a pergola on the south side glass wall anyway.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    I don't think you should be asking us these questions. It's your house.

    Do you prefer a tile roof or a metal roof?

    If you decide to design your house with a flat roof, you probably won't be installing tile or metal -- you'll be installing some type of membrane.

    So-called flat roofs (also called low-slope roofs) can have a roof overhang if you want. See the photo below.

    -- Martin Holladay


  2. Davor Radman||#2

    I only meant to ask because there seems to be a some love for metal roofing here on GBA. So I wanted to know if there are any other benefits to it, other than price (in USA).

    Flat roof is very unlikely, but thanks for the photo. That would look horrible for the shape and size of my planned house. It will be a simple gable after all.

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#3

    I'm all in favor of using the roofing system that is most common in your area. That way, the local roofers will be familiar with flashing issues, and with the best way to make repairs.

    -- Martin Holladay

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