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Mineral wool for utility room in basement.

Thumbhammer| Posted inGeneral Questionson

Hey there I was thinking about doing some sound proofing in my utility room located in the basement. Would mineral wool be cool to shove up in these cavities for some sound proofing?? To be clear the boiler is not located here.

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  1. Expert Member

    There would be no problem putting mineral wool into those joist bays to help with sound control, just don't put it against the masonry wall. I'd use "regular" (not Safe'n'Sound) mineral wool here, and I'd use the stuff for 2x6 walls for the extra thickness, which will provide better sound control compared with the thinner stuff.


    1. Thumbhammer||#2

      Awesome, thanks for the advice bill. The pic below is what I currently have, should suffice for the masonry wall right??

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