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Clay Whitenack|Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

Hi all,


We are in the planning stages to build a new home (which we hope to be “THE” home that last the rest of our lifetime). We would like to be as efficient as possible with energy use, as well as from a construction cost standpoint. I am willing to pay extra for a system that will pay off down the road, but also don’t have an unlimited budget (who does?) so I have to be smart where we spend our money. I live in central KY, which is zone 4a, so I would like to build a “Pretty Good House” with R-30 walls and R-60 attic. I also want a brick exterior if that matters.


因此,要正确地……对于4A区,如果我使用双螺柱墙壁结构,我还需要在外部安装刚性泡沫板吗?而且,如果我这样做,这是否可以减少双螺柱结构的成本节省,以至于我不妨使用几英寸的外部泡沫来传统的2×4或2×6?It seems like going double stud PLUS rigid foam board on the exterior will be way more than the R values I am needing for my area, but I can’t figure out if that is still cheaper than going 2×4 or 2×6 with 4″ of exterior foam.


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  1. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#1



    You need to choose which way to go -- don't mix-and-match these two approaches.

    If you plan to install brick veneer, I strongly suggest that you frame your walls with 2x6 studs and install exterior rigid foam. Rigid foam is a great match for brick veneer, since it protects the studs from water intrusion and stops inward solar vapor drive in its tracks.

  2. Clay Whitenack||#2

    Thanks for the reply Martin! I was hoping you would respond. I have been reading your articles and was hoping to get your opinion. Sounds like the clear and obvious choice is rigid foam over 2x6 studs.

  3. 专家成员
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#3

    The brick veneer also has a severe thermal bridging factor to contend with at the top of the foundation- it'll undercut the high thermal performance of the walls if you don't take measures to deal with it:


    Pouring the foundation with a ~1' stepdown to the exterior side of the framing to support the brick, and running the rigid foam in the cavity all the way down to the step helps. Then insulate the foundation on the interior side with rigid foam, then over the top of the foundation sill as well. You still have a thermal bridge at the band joist, but it's a fraction of the size that it would be otherwise.



    You can also deal with this by stacking autoclaved aerated concrete blocks (which are insulating) under the foundation sill and insulating on the interior with rigid foam, but it's a somewhat messier build.

    带有2x6的墙壁,带有吹牛的纤维素和3英寸的箔纸polyiso,最终将带有您要寻找的〜r30的全墙性能。您必须将polyiso的底部边缘远离混凝土或'LL Wick水分(即使是1/4”的缝隙也足够好,但是您也可以放下1英寸的EPS或其他东西。)

    这种类型的墙壁的一个普遍问题是找到可以容纳那么多泡沫的合适砌体关系。那里有一些公司开始解决这个市场(但我没有使用过任何公司)。使用3英寸泡沫,您可能需要在放置泡沫之前使用固定在框架墙上的类型,这样您就可以确保它确实与螺柱绑在一起,因为要错过钻头的螺柱 -通过泡沫变得越来越浓。例如:

    (There are others...)

  4. Clay Whitenack||#4

    Thanks for the extra advice Dana. This surely helps. If I am looking at the diagram correctly, it look like the rigid foam extends down the exterior wall and onto the foundation and stops just above the top of the step. Correct? What about the white block that sits on the step under the brick?

    我喜欢look of a stone veneer foundation (aiming for the house to look like it was built in the 1800's). I spoke to the builder about this and he mentioned needing to have a stepdown on the foundation for this, so it sound like this might not interfere? I assume the insulation would need to go between the stone veneer and the foundation it is sitting on? Can this sit below grade?

  5. Jerry Liebler||#5

    Consider thin brick, ! It is 1/2" thick bricks that are "glued" to the walls. I plan on using the with NO exterior sheathing. The outer stud wall, of the double stud pair,, after installing insulation, will be covered with "Tyvec" then a layer of "Greenguard DC-14 (which serves as a ventilated drainage plane as well as blocking solar driven vapor) , then the Ambrico metal substrate panels, brick & Mortar. Using thin brick won't save much money but it allows thinner walls.

  6. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#6


    This is a proprietary system that I am not familiar with. I would advise Clay and other GBA readers to investigate the system thoroughly before considering its use.



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