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Moisture issue with improperly dense packed ceiling?

Bill Sampson|发布了GBA Pro Help


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  1. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#1

    The notion that "condensation will form" is technically inaccurate- both the wood and the cellulose will adsorb the water directly, and liquid water would only become evident after they become saturated.



    Dense packed cellulose is not sufficiently air-impermeable even at 4lbs density to keep wintertime moisture from migrating to the roof decking and would constitute a code violation. But whether it's a real problem that needs to be addressed immediately kinda depends.

    Cellulose can handle quite a bit of moisture by itself without losing function, and by buffering that moisture it is protective of the roof deck. But high seasonal moisture cycling is also what causes cellulose to settle, which may be why you're able to find sections where it no longer fills the cavity. At a specified moisture cycling level it's possible to define a density at which it won't settle, but in a roof assembly in US climate zone 6 that density is probably higher than most blowing machines can execute. Most installers run it to 3.5-4lbs and call it a day, which may work fine even for a decade in an unvented roof, but probably not a century.

    IIF我们可以确定它不在紧急列表中,长期解决方案是在屋顶甲板的外侧添加IRC - 规范的刚性泡沫,为您的美国气候区进行重新屋顶,以及顶部当发生时,通过从外部钻出纤维素。

    但是告诉我们更多关于屋顶装配 - 纤维素,内部饰面(包括涂料)的类型有多大厚度,气密是内饰,任何蒸汽延迟器/障碍等。

  2. GBA Editor

    This type of insulation doesn't meet code. If you want to insulate a cathedral ceiling with cellulose, the code requires a ventilation channel between the top of the insulation and the sheathing, from the soffit to the ridge. You need a baffle to create this channel.


  3. Bill Sampson||#3


  4. Bill Sampson||#4

    Hi Bill. That's an interesting point. Would you happen to know whether or not the insulation contractor that installed the cellulose could be held liable for the error? This was a retrofit installation and a building permit was never obtained.

  5. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#5

    The air leakage on the interior side is moving the lions share of moisture into the space, and probably what is causing the cellulose to moisture-cycle to the point of settling, despite being nominally dense-packed.


    Plank sheathing is a lot more tolerant of this situation than OSB, which would more than likely would have already turned into a mold-farm. If you can, snake a flexible inspection camera into your peep holes and assess whether mold/mildew is getting started on the decking and report back. If it still looks pretty good, you may have years before any real problems get going.


    FWIW: National Fiber (a regional cellulose insulation manufacturer in MA) swears by and will warranty dense-packed cathedral ceilings if installed by one of their approved contractors, even in US climate zone 6, (but I still wouldn't do it.) If you're on the warm edge of zone 5 the risks are much lower than on the cool edge of zone 6.

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