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Is this what dense-packed cellulose is supposed to look like?

托尼菲尔|发布了GBA Pro Help

Hi all,


Is this really what dense-packed cellulose would look like if it got wet and settled? Incidentally, this particular rafter cavity doesn’t appear to have any moisture problems.

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  1. David Meiland||#1

    Not a great photo, but from what I see it just looks like an under-filled space, not dense pack that has settled.


  2. David Meiland||#2


  3. 托尼菲尔||#3


  4. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#4

    Dense-packing a cathedralized ceiling in cooler climates still comes with some risks, but the risk is pretty low in US climate zones 1-3 where wintertime roof deck temps are higher, with lower adsorption of humidity from the interior air. The risk is highest on north pitches with OSB sheathing, since the average temp of the roof deck is then cooler (taking on and retaining more moisture, on average), and the material (OSB) is the most-susceptible to moisture damage & rot. For t & g or ship-lap roof decking the risk is quite a bit lower, with plywood somewhere in-between. Straube's WUFI simulations in RR-1001 show near-zero risk for the cellulose insulated assemblies with OSB roof decking in zone 3 & lower, but substantial risk in zone 4 & higher. But only (the most susceptible) OSB clad assemblies were simulated. The picture here shows (the least-susceptible) plank decking.

    That doesn't look like dense pack. At 3+ lbs density pushing on it with a finger is like a firm to very firm mattress- it'll be quite springy and it takes signficant push to penetrate it with your whole finger. At <2.5lbs density you can just jam a finger in it with fairly minimal resistance.

    Cellulose settling is a function of both density and seasonal humidity changes. If it's cycling a lot of moisture in/out of the material there will be mechanical creepage and it'll lose some loft over time, but for any given climate & moisture conditions there is a definable density above which it simply won't settle. (This was modeled and tested very carefully by a researcher at Aalborg University in Denmark named Torben Valdbjørn Rasmussen- some of his academic stuff on the subject are available online in English, if you really care about the details.) If this was truly dense-packed it would take several years or even decades to settle appreciably, unless it's getting massively soaked somehow. (Ice dams backing up, soaking the roof deck & cellulose, mayhaps? Roof leaks?)


  5. 托尼菲尔||#5


  6. GBA Editor

    David and Dana have given you good feedback. Here are my reactions:

    1. That is not a dense-pack job.



    More information here:

    How to Build an Insulated Cathedral Ceiling

    How to Install Cellulose Insulation

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