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杰夫·杜兰德(Jeff Durand)|Posted in一般的问题on


We are now at the stage where the basement got demolished, mold removed, all tests good to start rebuilding properly. Nightmare is over but we don’t want another one!


Final note I don’t have a lot of head room in that basement so even if no possibility of mold is the number 1 priority after what we’ve been through, the second is head room, third is cost.

Thanks in advance for helping us!

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  1. 专家成员

    If water condenses on the floor and keeps things moist, mold will grow on just about any floor using dirt as a food source. There are paints with moldicide (not sure if that’s a word) in them.



    1. 杰夫·杜兰德(Jeff Durand)||#2



  2. Jon R||#3


    1. 杰夫·杜兰德(Jeff Durand)||#5


  3. 专家成员


    Without insulation, the floor surface is probably about 50°F, which will create condensation if the air is 70° F and 50% relative humidity. If you have even just an inch of insulation on the floor, the floor surface will be very close to room temperature and should not allow condensation unless humidity levels are very high. Or if you keep the air at 70° and below about 30% RH you should not have a problem.

    The easier of those two options to maintain is likely adding insulation. Even 3/4" will probably be enough. Over the foam you can float two layers of 3/4" subflooring, with seams staggered and overlapped, use any tile underlayment you want, with a total buildup of less than 3". If you have a perimeter drainage system you can leave small gaps between foam sheets (3/8" or less) which will allow water to drain without affecting thermal performance.


    1. 杰夫·杜兰德(Jeff Durand)||#6

      Hi Michael, If I was to do as you suggest with a subfloor I might do vinyl planks instead of tile. Tile was really our option if straight on the slab. I assume then I would put only 1 layer of 3/4 subfloor? By the way love the idea of panels between joists, I would go with drywall unless you have other ideas.

      Thanks again to all so far for the help

      1. 专家成员

        Jeff, you either need two layers of subfloor or you need to interrupt the foam with sleepers. Here are a couple of articles that explain the concepts. They are behind paywalls but have been influential pieces.


        I'm glad you like the idea of panels between joists. Drywall would be the least expensive material. Once you factor in labor, you might decide that cabinet-grade plywood, PDF or similar would be easier, but there's nothing wrong with drywall in that location. Hopefully most of your wires and plumbing are run through the joists rather than below the joists.

  4. Walter Ahlgrim||#8

    如果你是某些水feedin的唯一来源g the mold is from water condensing out of the air and condensing on the floor a large dehumidifier set to 50% RH connected to a drain should keep the mold at bay at about $25.00 a month to operate.





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