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  1. Expert Member


    Don’t worry about things structurally though, the mold won’t affect the strength of the wood.


    1. green654||#2

      I’m not worried about structure. I’m worried about getting sick from mold on the framing. I’m super allergic to mold and I’m worried this house will take me down. It seems pretty crazy to me that we are paying

      1. Expert Member

        Mold is a natural occurrence in wet weather. An abatement company could clear it all out once you have walls and roof up, then keep a dehumidifier running to dry things out so that it doesn’t come back.


      2. Andy_||#4

        I've got a serious mold allergy too and built a house in the very wet PNW and of course wound up with mold on the framing before the roof was in place. I too freaked out a little bit but in the end it was no big deal. Standard approach of a little mixed bleach, water, and dish soap took care of it and no mold since.
        Mold on the framing is pretty common at that stage. Mold needs moisture to grow, and once the roof is on and the windows are in there won't (or shouldn't) be enough moisture to keep the mold growing. Clean it up and it'll be like it never happened.

        1. the74impala||#6


          1. Expert Member



  2. JC72||#5




  3. walta100||#8


    Mold requires moisture to grow it would be a good idea to get a dehumidifier running in your house as soon as the windows and doors are in.

    Most new construction homes should have a dehumidifier for the first year.

    If you can keep the humidity under 55% I do not think you will have a mold problem.


  4. green654||#9

    Should we have a dehumidifier on each floor to get the house to dry out faster? And don’t we have to remove the mold from the wood? I think it would create huge problems if we didn’t.

    1. Expert Member

      More dehumidifiers will speed up the drying process as long as they don’t cycle off. At some point you reach a limit and more won’t speed things up any.

      You can get mold killing primers that can be painted over mold. It’s better to just remove it when you can though.


      1. green654||#11

        But how do we remove mold without taking apart all the framing? It’s half the house of wood. No exaggeration!

        1. Expert Member

          Get what you can. The usual way to do the work is to use a brush on a pole, and brush off the worst of the mold (wear protective gear when doing this, and especially a respirator). After that's been done, you spray what's left with a mold treatment to kill the remaining mold. The last step if you want to be extra careful is to paint the area with a mold killing primer (I've used one made by Zinsser in the past) to help keep the mold from coming back.

          The most important part is to eliminate the conditions that allowed the mold to grow in the first place, and that's moisture. Once your home is far enough along that it can act as something of a box for air (i.e. walls, roof, and something over the window and door openings), you can start running dehumidifiers to keep moisture levels low enough that the mold won't grow.

          If you're really concerned, I would have a painter come in and spray everything with the mold killing primer after brushing off the worst of it. You'll end up with white-painted framing everywhere, but you'll know that all the mold is dead and encapsulated so you won't have to worry about hidden mold once your home is complete and you're living in it.


        2. Andy_||#15

          I personally think that painting over the mold affected areas is overkill and unnecessary.

  5. walta100||#12




  6. Capecodhaus||#13

    All the advice above is helpful. Treat the issue yourself or hire it out.
    接触a mold remediation company, schedule a site visit, keep an eye on it.

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