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Product Guide


欧文斯·康宁(Owens Corning


Years ago, I participated in a comparative insulation study with the National Association of Home Builders that yielded a surprising result: Correctly placed fiberglass batt insulation, a keen eye, and a well-aimed caulk gun delivered a tighter and better-insulated house than spray foam. However, it’s hard to rely on such careful craft from many insulation contractors.

Owens Corning responds withPINK Next Gen,欧文斯·康宁(Owens Corning)发言人特雷·麦克纳米(Trey McNamee)表示,改进的玻璃纤维泡沫绝缘材料将削减培训新安装程序的大量时间。该公司还声称,其新的和增强的Batts安装速度比标准玻璃纤维Batts快23%。

在今年的国际建筑商节目中,玻璃纤维绝缘材料的发明者欧文斯·康宁(Owens Corning)介绍了该公司所描述的自1938年发明以来玻璃纤维绝缘层最革命性的改进。

Owen Corning invented fiberglass and later the ubiquitous pink insulation. The improvements with PINK Next Gen include finer glass fiber that will not cut or itch installers. The material cuts easily and responds like a Memory Foam mattress, regaining its fluffy form after being squished. The material isGreenguard认证对于低VOC,R-15 Batts适合3-1/2英寸。墙腔。McNamee表示,该公司可以将更多的R值塞入2×4墙中,并最终可能提供一种在经济上产生标准2×6组件的R值,以3-1/2英寸深空的空隙。最后,McNamee告诉我粉红色的下一代是在以100%风产生的电能运行的植物中制造的,并包含该行业中最高的再生含量。



All kinds of cool ingredients can go into insulation, from recycled newspaper to shredded blue jeans. But nothing is cooler today than insulation made with hemp. Hempitecture has sold over one million square feet of itsHempWool, which is similar in density and appearance to mineral wool. The material cuts easily with a grinder and steel cutter and fits tightly into voids.

Hempwool insulation

Tommy Gibbons, a co-founder of Hempitecture, claims HempWool is the only thermal insulation product with a “biogenic carbon uptake” that maintains the efficiency of a thermal envelope. In this case, what makes the material “green” is not just its performance. Some carbon-intensive insulation materials justify their use through energy savings. HempWool does not need to offset its carbon footprint on the back of a home’s reduced energy consumption. The product is made with hemp fiber grown sustainably in rural communities across the United States. The company reports that their growing operation offsets 9.8 tons of CO2 per acre, which makes the insulation carbon negative.

HempWool batts range from R-7 at $1.10 per sq. ft. to R-28 at $2.50 per sq. ft. You can purchase directly from the factory.

Of course, I asked, “What happens if I smoke it?” A little tired of the joke, Gibbons replied, “You can’t. It’s nonflammable.”




  1. Charlie Sullivan||#1

    I was curious what they put in the hemp insulation to make it impossible to smoke and nonflammable, so I poked around the web site. Their testing data says it has a flame spread index of 315 and a smoke developed index of 350. Although that smoke index is below 420, and might not be very satisfying for recreational smoking, and is also below the 450 limit in the IBC for typical insulation applications, the flame spread index is way above the typical 25 limit for insulation. I'm not sure how that's allowed, and I think it would be worth some more questions to the manufacturer before using it. Certainly, reducing that data to "nonflammable" is not accurate.

  2. 克里斯d||#2

    Looks like the PINK Next Gen has unfaced batts available, and high-perf fiberglass R values, so it sounds pretty similar to Thermafiber mineral wool for R value and installation benefits (Thermafiber is lower density, less "springy" than Rockwool).


    1. Charlie Sullivan||#3

      另一个比较点与矿物羊毛将是制造中的二氧化碳排放。100%风力发电的声明听起来不错,但是看p。他们令人印象深刻的全面可持续性报告(148)( I estimate that 70% of their energy use (across different products) is "direct" meaning primarily burning fossil fuels on site and only 30% is in the indirect category that includes electricity. So the windpower helps, but leaves the pink elephant in the room unaddressed. It may actually be significantly better than rockwool in that regard but I don't see any data to help us figure that out.

  3. 斯蒂芬·希希(Stephen Sheehy)||#4

    I haven't bought insulation in a while. How does the cost for hemp compare to fiberglass or rock wool?

  4. jwolfe1||#5

    For those who have used it or have seen other write-ups about it, is the Pink Next Gen fiberglass insulation just marketing spin or is it actually an improved product in terms of installation and performance?

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