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Multi-speed inline exhaust fan

John Ranson| Posted inMechanicalson

Is anyone aware of an inline exhaust fan that has multiple speeds so it can do low continuous ventilation and on-demand ventilation?


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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    You should look into Fantech's "mixed flow" fan line.

    Contact Fantech for more information.

    -- Martin Holladay

  2. Bill Dietze||#2


    I went looking for just this item at one point, but for lower flow than Martin's example, and came up with these (I've never used these so I'm just forwarding the data on it with no recommendation): variable speed, also Fantech)
    and speeds)
    And I'm sure there are others.


  3. John Ranson||#3

    Fantech was the right direction. The FG EC series looks the most reasonable. They're electrically commutated, efficient, can be controlled by 0-10V signal, and are available down to 180cfm peak. They're also energy-star and HVI rated. It's not clear if they're appropriate for venting moist air, but I'll ask Fantech.

    Thanks much!


  4. John Ranson||#4

    Fantech says the FG EC series is appropriate for bathrooms.


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