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Community and Q&A

New to this format…how do I respond to those who answer my question?

JamesRMillar| Posted inGeneral Questionson

Got two good answers to my first question but I do not know how to reply.

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  1. Steve Knapp CZ 3A Georgia||#1


    You have to be logged in to add comments to a thread.

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#2

    We like to keep all questions, comments, and responses on the same page (the same Q&A "thread").

    At the bottom of every thread, you'll see the black letters "Answer" above a box. You type your answer in that blank box.

    As Steve Knapp explained, you need to be logged in to see the "Answer" box. To be logged in, you have to register. Registering is free -- it's not the same thing as subscribing, which costs money.

    Here’s how you register: on the home page, look for a gray box under the “Q&A” heading. It reads, “Please Sign in to ask a question.” If you have never signed in before, click the link below that reads, “Don’t have an account? Create one for free.”

Log in or create an account to post an answer.


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