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凯里Holliday|发布了General Questions

Hello all,

我们在家庭建筑(4/4 /田纳西州),我今天遇到了喷雾泡沫安装。我们在屋顶甲板上使用开放式电池泡沫并拍摄最小R38。安装程序使用卡莱尔开放式电池泡沫([电子邮件受保护]“)。

安装程序通常在我们区域的屋顶甲板上施加5英寸。我们正在为PGH拍摄,并使用能源之星区域指南作为我们的性能最低措施。能源之星需要我们地区的R38。我们这里没有建筑码......泡沫安装人员表示,用于代码合规性的泡沫安装厚度R值测量(RVALUE / IN X厚度x 2)加倍。例如,他刚刚超过5英寸,以满足附近的r38本地代码(3.7 x 5.1 x 2)。

我可以做一些数学,如果我们想要一个实际的R38,我们将需要10.27“开放式电池泡沫@ R3.7 / In。安装人员坚持认为这是一个完全浪费的钱,他从未安装过任何地方的任何地方在房子里那么多泡沫。我应该提到这一领域的喷雾泡沫安装人员非常罕见,这个安装程序是我们谈到的每个人推荐的#1。


Any thoughts or advice will be greatly appreciated.


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  1. Steve Knapp CZ 3A Georgia||#1


    泡沫承包商似乎似乎常用这个球场,你明智不相信它。我怀疑5“到6”的价值主要是关于市场竞争以及在一次访问期间可以安全地喷洒的东西。本文 (//指出,开放对屋顶sh细胞eathing can be risky. A flash and batt roof (//将更安全,但您还有其他选择,包括具有许多吹入的绝缘的通风阁楼(只要管道位于其他地方)。

    I would seek out a contractor who has some experience with energy-efficient construction and see what approach they are comfortable with.

    1. 凯里Holliday||#2


      Unfortunately we seem to be in a “desert” for energy efficient and green building contractors. The rural TN lack of codes has established large geographies with no market value or support of these practices. I was really surprised how disincentivized we are to build a low quality house with nicer exterior finishes. That’s what the market, and banks, value here.


      Thanks again,


  2. Steve Knapp CZ 3A Georgia||#3



    If you still want to boost wall performance, consider adding some exterior insulation. EPS or reclaimed would be best.

    1. 凯里Holliday||#4


      We’re already framed up and in the dry. I recognize that spray foam is not the greenest product and that there are better options. We’ve had to modify our plans in several areas based on limited local knowledge and contractor availability. It’s a definite drawback to living and building in a very rural area without codes. For example we paid quite a bit for energy modeling and an HVAC plan from a third party engineering firm only to discover that no one local would or could build the system as prescribed. It seems that so many practices are dependent on good installations that I’m bending toward what local contractors are comfortable with and familiar with rather than trying to force “new” practices and materials that may be installed sub-standard.

      Regarding exterior foam, I’m completely against the concept in areas prone to high winds. In my region of TN we had two separate wind events this year that damaged buildings and I was amazed at how much rigid foam was carried off and scattered around the region. It was hard to believe. Much of that is still scattered through the woods and certainly a good amount will be carried off into waterways. It really turned me away from exterior foam in our area. EPS especially seemed to break into smaller bits compared to polyiso. Polyiso in large chunks was scattered miles and miles beyond the direct impact areas.

      Anyway I really appreciate the input. We’re doing the best we can out here and GBA has been an amazing resource. I did find one more insulation contractor to try and I’ll be calling them today.

      Thanks again,


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