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Ox Engineered ISO RED CI – Anyone have experience with this product?

igrigos| Posted inGreen Products and Materialson

One of our multifamily projects is looking at ZIP-R sheathing for its exterior continuous insulation layer. While I’ve seen mixed results with ZIP products (mostly due to installation practices), it seems to have good complementary products for flashing and sealing.

A contractor on the project recommended an alternative (Ox Engineered ISO RED CI). I haven’t seen this product in action, nor have I heard anything about it. Has anyone on here seen this product in action and can speak on it?

Thanks in advance,

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  1. Expert Member
    Peter Yost||#1

    Both ZIP-R and the ISO RED CI use polyiso rigid insulation but that is where the similarities end: the structural panel for ISO RED CI is Thermoply and the structural panel for ZIP-R is OSB.

    See this APA Product Advisory (SP-1172, Ocotber 2015) on the structural performance of Thermo-Ply Red:

    And this more recent APA Product Advisor on structural performance of flexible sheathings: APA SP-1186, July 2018.


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