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Percent of cost of a house in materials?

jklingel| Posted inGeneral Questionson

What is the approx percent of the cost of a house that goes into materials? Is 30% about right? Specs: Plain Jane house. Slab on grade, 4′ foundation wall down to footers, ranch style, flat ceiling, cold attic, 12″ double walls, basic L-shaped box, no exotic architecture, no exotic materials like granite, etc. This does not include land and septic. This is for Frb, AK, but I suspect the percentages are similar across the land. Thanks. klingel

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  1. Riversong||#1


    It's going to vary a lot from place to place and builder to builder, but the breakdown should be about 40% materials, 40% labor, 20% overhead and profit.

  2. jklingel||#2

    Good. That is about what I figured, and close enough. We're just trying to get a handle on whether or not we can build new and give me a day job. thanks. john

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