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Pex size for hose bibs?

Dean Sandbo| Posted inGeneral Questionson

I have a very long ranch house…
All of my potable water has been plumbed with uponor manifolds 3/4 supply, 1/2 home runs to each fixture.. (two manifolds for each side of the house).

I want to run my hose bib’s before my water softener.

the question I have is can I use the same method.. a home run of 3/4 pex… attached to a manifold with 1/2 off of that to multiple hose bibs?

I was planning on using woodford model 19’s.

I imagine using 3/4 all the way would give me more volume at the hose bib..

I guess I just wanted opinions on whether 1/2 pex home runs off a 3/4 would be good enough?

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  1. Clay Whitenack||#1


    The bigger the supply the better. We just installed the hose bibs for our new house and the plumber ran 1" pex to them, but not on a home run system.

  2. Steve Knapp CZ 3A Georgia||#2

    I have a front bib that is 3/4" copper. It is teed off the 3/4" supply ahead of the pressure reducing valve and delivers a good stream for outdoor watering. I also have three bibs at the back of the house that are connected to 1/2" pex after the valve (not on a manifold BTW). Each of these bibs delivers a very weak stream of water. I could strangle my plumber since he assured me the 1/2" lines would be more than adequate. Lesson learned: larger line and higher pressure are always better for outdoor hose bibs.

  3. Mike M||#3

    My house is plumbed with 1" from the well pump to the pressure tank. 3/4" copper to the PEX manifold, and a 1/2" pex line to each individual fixture.

    I have never had any issues with pressure or flow although it is just my wife and I and this point. We do notice our pressure is a bit lower than city water, but that is due to our pressure switch being set to about 45-65 psig range for the pump cycling.

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