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Plywood over vinyl vapor barrier in metal building?

Chris Scott| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

Working to cleanup metal building interior wall insulation that is torn all around on the walls of a metal building built in the 90s. It’s fiberglass draped on the outside of the metal framing, the exterior of the 4000 square foot gym is block wall, tons of air leaks. I found a retro covering material, reinforced polypropylene material with matalic backing – it attaches to the framing and draped over the old insulation, has a shiny white polypropylene surface to make it look brand new, it’s about .52 cents per square foot. (There’s no money to add additional insulation but this is in the northeast, around the Albany area.)

Anyway, another employee is insisting on covering these metal framing cavities with 1/2″ plywood My concern is trapped moisture behind the plywood and potential for rot. Also, plywood doesn’t have a very finished look.

Thanks for any thoughts you all might have.

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  1. Expert Member
    Malcolm Taylor||#1


    This is what codes usually call an Assembly Building. That is, one where groups gather. One of the requirements will be that whatever surface you settle on has to meet a certain flame-spread rating. You need to make sure whatever you choose can do that.

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