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Jefferson Kolle| Posted inGreen Products and Materialson

There’s lots of back-and-forth debates about decking materials. The big question seems to revolve around using wood or synthetic decking. I haven’t seen any discussions about the waterproof, lock-together aluminum decking made by companies such as Lock Dry ( If I’m to believe what they say on their website, the stuff will last forever. Any thoughts about how aluminum decking scores greenwise? Anyone out there used aluminum decking? Thanks

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    I don't know if this information is useful, but for what it's worth, here's a paragraph on aluminum decking from the GBA Encyclopedia:

    "Powder-coated aluminum decking has many performance advantages, including great strength and fire and insect resistance. It’s highly resistant to stains and dirt. Aluminum also can be easily recycled. It is not an aesthetic replacement for wood, as composites and plastic lumber are intended to be, and it also is more expensive than many other types of decking. Possibly for those reasons, its residential market share is low."

    Read more on decking choices here:

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