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Radiant Barrier House Wrap- Bug Screen at base of Air Gap?

Brent Shafer| Posted in能源效率和耐久性on

Per the manufacture specs — going to have a 1/2 air gap between the wall sheathing wrapped in perforated radiant barrier and the finish wall.

Looking for a durable screen to install at the base of the wall between the finish wall and the sheathing to let the air and moisture escape and no bugs to enter?

It seems Cor-a-vent has a fiber based screen that sounds like it wont last?

Any advice.

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  1. Expert Member
  2. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#2

    The roll mesh used under ridge vents usually lasts at least a decade or three, and is often used as bug-screen at the top & bottom of even 3/4" deep rainscreen channels. One such product, among many:

    If it's thick enough to be a compression fit at 1/2", cut it into 5-6" wide strips. If it isn't, fold it in half to make it a 5-6" wide compression-fit. Staple or tack it in place to keep bigger critters from pulling it out.

  3. Expert Member
    Malcolm Taylor||#3

    When rain screens first started being used here builders stapled insect screen over the furring before installing the siding. If you go back to any of those early houses the bug screen is compromised. The most common problem is grass or weeds growing up into the cavity and tearing the screen when they are removed, but even 3/4" gap is big enough to harbour small rodents. It's worth buying, or getting your metal fabricator to make, a perforated flashing and be done with it for the life of the house.

  4. Brent Shafer||#4

    The gaf vent material looks like it would work. The perfed metal from Menzies looks great! I will follow up with them. thanks

  5. Brent Shafer||#5

    I'm in the US and it looks like I would need to find either a distributor or a manufacturer.

  6. Joe Suhrada||#6

    Find the local guy who makes and sells metal roofings and flashing. There is an outfit around here called ABC and another smaller form called Bonded Roofing. They have brakes and can custom bend any U channel or J channel or perhaps a Z style channel. I am doing a Z channel with a perforated bottom. It will start on the outside of the furring strip bend at 90deg. towards the foundation which is directly under the foam. Here will be tiny perforations which are punched. Then it will bend down towards the ground pressed right against the foundation. No bugs or rodents will be able to climb up, but water will be able to drain.

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