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Bug screen for open joint rainscreen siding

Walter Ryan|发布GBA Pro Help


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  1. Expert Member

    Coravent可以很好地工作,有点像塑料纸板,并且具有一些结构。许多人使用了塑料泡沫状的“山脊通风口”材料,这些材料也旨在在带状疱疹下捣碎。那个塑料泡沫像山脊通风口一样皱着眉头,但它使雨屏通风口间隙漏洞的材料变得不错 - 不要将其粉碎。


  2. Walter Ryan||#2

    Thanks, Bill. Seems like ti would be very expensive to use coravent behind all the open joints, is that what you're advising?

    1. Expert Member
      Malcolm Taylor||#8


      开放的关节壁板就是这样。它不能提供任何防止昆虫侵扰或针对元素的保护的保护,我不确定您实际上可以添加这些属性而不会损害外观 - 这是首先选择开放关节的唯一原因。

      Open Joint siding isn't really a rain-screen in the sense that most building scientists (or our building code) would describe one, and the walls need to be detailed in a different way, so that the layer behind provides all the water shedding details of a WRB layer, but also gives the primary layer of protection we usually rely on cladding to provide. If I was using it, my preference would be to go the other way and make it as open as possible to discourage insect nests and make it easier to periodically clean the cavity.

  3. Expert Member



    The rolled ridge vent material that looks like a scotch pad is easier to work with for this. Just cut it into 2" wide strips.

    1. Walter Ryan||#4

      Thank you, Akos. I feel like it would be easier and cheaper to staple a full 5' wide roll of aluminum or other durable window screen over the entire furred facade before installing the open joint siding?

      1. Expert Member


        The best is a perforated U mold that is the same width as your rigid insulation+rain screen.

        I've done the stapled window screen, it works but takes a bit to get right. Easiest is to staple it to the bottom of your WRB at a height where the strapping would overlap it about 3" then install the strapping.


        1. Walter Ryan||#6


  4. Expert Member


    I can think of two good options for you:
    2- much less expensive, less durable: put fiberglass window screen up, overlapping edges between sheets, then fasten the siding over the window screening.

    Don’t use aluminum or galvanized screening since either will rot after a few years of exposure to the outdoors in this application. You may have some issues with debris accumulating between the screening and the back of the siding boards too, especially if you don’t get the screening stretched tightly before installing the siding.


  5. GBA Editor
    Peter Yost||#9

    Hi Walter -

    我的建筑师好友史蒂夫·巴切克(Steve Baczek)( does a lot of open joint wall cladding systems and he swears no insect problems without any bug screen system.

    几周前,在维加斯的国际建筑商节目中,本杰明·奥比克(Benjamin Obdyke)拥有一个光滑的新开放关节雨系统。

    I THINK the new system is in addition to this one:, but I am checking on that.


  6. GBA Editor
    Peter Yost||#10

    Here is the new Benjamin Obdyke open-joint rainscreen system, available starting in April this year:


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