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Rain Screen: Horizontal furring strips with corrugated metal siding installed vertically

Amy Hazeldine| Posted inGeneral Questionson

I am installing corrugated metal siding vertically over 1″ Roxul Comfort Board exterior insulation, thereby necessitating a horizontal furring strip that can bear the weight of the siding. We originally furred the windows out by 2 3/4″ with the idea that we would use 1 x something vertical furring strips to allow drainage, then 1 x something horizontal furring strips for the metal. I believe it is a good system, but am now preferring to double my planned exterior insulation to 2 inches and reduce the amt of furring if possible while working within the parameters of the 2 3/4″ window pop-outs.

具体地说,我想知道如果垂直channels in the corrugated metal might be sufficient for drainage if I add the extra 1″ roxul in lieu of the vertical furring? I would also consider bevelling the horizontal furring strips toward the exterior to move any bulk water toward the backside of the metal channels. Does this sound like a system that would would work? Any input greatly appreciated.

Other information: 1/2 plywood sheathing, typar warp, planning a bug screen at base of rainscreen, climate is quite wet – interior BC

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  1. Expert Member
    Malcolm Taylor||#1

    艾米,The vertical channels in the metal provide a good enough drainage plain that the rain screen provisions in the BC code allow for it to be used without strapping. The Comfortboard behind will also act as secondary drainage so I wouldn't bother with bevelling the furring strips. I think you are proposing a very well performing wall. If you wanted to improve it further you might consider venting it at the top too.

  2. Expert Member
    Armando Cobo||#2

    Check Cor-A-Vent, it may work for you:

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#3

    Q. "I am wondering if the vertical channels in the corrugated metal might be sufficient for drainage."

    A. You don't need a drainage gap between mineral wool and siding, because the mineral wool itself is free-draining.

    Q. "I would also consider bevelling the horizontal furring strips toward the exterior to move any bulk water toward the backside of the metal channels."

    A. That's unnecessary. The free-draining nature of the mineral wool, along with evaporation and the normal air exchange caused by the pumping action resulting from daily temperature changes, will easily handle any incidental moisture.

  4. Amy Hazeldine||#4

    Thanks everyone for your quick responses. I'm very glad to get confirmation that this system will work effectively. I'll definitely look into venting the system at the top as well.

  5. Ethan ; Climate Zone 5A ; ~6000HDD||#5

    Malcolm and Martin... Am I reading your replies correctly that no strapping is needed with corrugated metal siding over a rockwool substrate? Even 4" of rockwool? My concern would be achieving a flat final product... perhaps the strapping is necessary for a smooth install? I think I'll need at least 1x strapping to take the fasteners from the siding and prevent cupping/water-canning/etc.

  6. Expert Member
    Malcolm Taylor||#6

    The strapping isn't needed to create a rain-screen cavity, as the corrugations in the siding provide that, but as you said, it is necessary for attachment.

  7. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#7

    I agree with Malcolm. Use horizontal furring strips.

  8. RILEYG||#8

    Hi Amy. How did your installation turn out and what was your final setup? Planning something similiar .

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