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Zip Sheathing and Rainscreens

RobRMR| Posted inGeneral Questionson

Hi Folks, looking for some suggestions on to do a rain screen or not. We are using 5/4 stock Boral for window trim packs so I think I have the thickness there to go with a rain screen either in 6mm or 10mm, leaning 6mm to be sure. Has anyone used Mortairvent 6mm for Cedar shake installs ? Or is it best to just use Benj. Obdyke solution… they both appear to be a 3d mess material but Mortair has a thin screen attached. Shakes are pre dipped in 1 coat of stain from Maibec. Looks like builders in my area don’t use the rain screens very much for cedar shake installs as I have noticed, Is it worth doing to let air gap to dry the shakes, wouldn’t it open the door to insects, bees etc, nesting in this void ?

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  1. Andy S||#1

    I just did exactly this last year. Western Red cedar shingles, Mortairvent, Zip. I also heard from the local builders that nobody does rain screens since the shingles will hold up just fine for 10-15 years without it. But what about after that? Since this was for my own house I used the rain screen to keep me covered for more of a 25+ year install.
    The bugs aren't an issue as the rain screen has a flap of mesh to cover the bottom that they can't get through. Theoretically a bug would have an easier time getting into any shingled house between the shingles at any point along the wall vs behind the shingle at the bottom of the rain screen, so not an issue.
    If you happen to be in the PNW, I have a leftover roll of Mortairvent for you if you want it.

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