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Making Wall Upgrades Over Time

Sunrisehomestead|Posted in一般的问题on

Hey ya’ll-


We know the house will be completely re sided in the next couple years but because I am replacing all doors now as well as the rot repair around sills and cantilevered deck joist I want to make a plan to install a new sheathing system around the doors and rot areas now that we can later tie into the rest of the exterior walls when we do the bigger exterior remodel. My plan is to better insulate from the exterior as we go through the resheathing process.

门锅闪光,闪光required for the cantilevered deck joists I am trying to decide on a “system” that would work well in this application and in the context of the phasing of this exterior work.

I am considering tearing off all sheathing around existing doors and windows within a couple stud bays from the RO’s and in all the rot areas below the deck and installing ZIP sheathing in those areas that way the new doors and windows and flashing can tie into a really streamlined system like zip. Later down the road when we tear off the rest of the cedar shakes I can continue to replace the original sheathing with zip, better insulate while the sheathing is off, and in the end yield a much less leaky building. The zip tape on seams, liquid flash around penetrations like rafters, joists, etc, and my copper door pans and joist cap flashing details over the joists would be streamlined vs. using a sheet product like tyvek, etc where the detailing is more tedious with lapping, folding, etc.

I am also considering just using regular 1/2″ CDX ply and using prosoco liquid flashing over the new areas and then tying into that new section down the line with the same product.

Does anyone have any two cents on the best sheathing/WRB/flashing system for this kind of scenario where there’s partial exterior work/repairs that we’d like to continue to expand, replace, and build on in the future?


Thank you!

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  1. Sunrisehomestead||#1

    anyone? bueller?

  2. 乔纳森·布莱尼(Jonathan Blaney)||#2

    You may want to reconsider your job phasing. Rebuild one side of the house at a time. Replace the doors and windows, new siding, insulation, etc., then move to the next section. What you are contemplating is going to involve a lot of double work. The scope of your outside work is going to also effect the inside. It is hard to live in a perpetual construction site. Better a couple of rooms at a time.

    1. 专家成员
      马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#3



    2. Sunrisehomestead||#5

      这几乎是房子的整个背面,但它是雪松摇的壁板,因此我们必须阻止拐角处的维修,否则我们打开了一罐蠕虫。我知道这在经济上不是理想的平差或明智的选择,但是客户希望在几年内修复它,将其恢复并重新审视整个外部。寻找一个良好的新型“系统”用于护套,闪烁,WRB等。这将很容易围绕所有悬臂的甲板托梁穿透以及悬挂在壁线上的afters line以创建悬垂性。

  3. GBA编辑
    Kiley Jacques||#4

    乔纳森(Jonathan)一次重建墙壁的建议是杰斯珀·克鲁斯(Jesper Kruse)在他家中所做的事情。花了四年时间,但他从每个墙项目中学到了一些东西,使最后一个项目变得无缝。((一次翻新一堵墙

    1. Sunrisehomestead||#6

      很酷,我会检查一下。是的,这主要是房子的整个后背。我认为与Prosoco Cat 5一起定期使用CDX为WRB,但非常昂贵。只是试图找到一个良好的“系统”,我可以在未来的情况下坚持使用其余的外部。有任何想法吗?

  4. 乔纳森·布莱尼(Jonathan Blaney)||#7


    1. Sunrisehomestead||#8


      1. 乔纳森·布莱尼(Jonathan Blaney)||#9


        1. Sunrisehomestead||#10

          hah! They are investing a lot into rehabbing this old gem of a house!

          Just looking for a sensible sheathing/wrb system for this application. I'm not a huge fan of OSB but I am thinking ZIP might be the way. Someone suggested proclima adhero but if seems like it would be a pain in the butt working around all the penetrations like rafters, deck joists, etc. There is alot of clutter on this section of wall I am replacing.




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