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Recommended taping of plywood and foam layers

dburgoyne|Posted inGreen Products and Materialson

I am building a small casita (500 sq. ft.) in Northern California in a mild climate with hot summers. My wall framing is 2×4 w/ 3/8 continuous plywood shear (also insulated w/ R-13 fiberglass batt insul.), which I will cover with two layers of 1/1/2″ Polyiso (Firestone) insulation (has fiberglass reinforced face). I will cover everything with Tyvek housewrap and fasten 1×4 battens creating a rainscreen, and attach lath and plaster as an exterior finish to the battens.


1.胶合板接头 - Polyiso将覆盖并固定在适当的位置,如果将其像在三明治中的生菜一样,我真的需要购买具有优质粘附和渗透性的昂贵胶带吗?

2.胶带隔热层(2层1 1/2英寸总计3英寸) - 相同的三明治问题,并想知道冗余吗?

3. Tyvek housewrap – I read its not really necessary to tape horizontal laps, but vertical laps.


-Dan Burgoyne

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  1. 外部||#1



    In a California environment one can practically get to Passive House insulation and air sealing standards with the building techniques that would entail. Of course that would also have to include the important wall/ceiling and wall/floor air and insulation junctions.

  2. dburgoyne||#2




  3. 外部||#3

    我不是不同磁带及其应用的专家。我会在这方面屈服于其他人,并希望他们在这里鸣叫。就胶合板贴上的需要,很多时候,您会在被动房屋建筑中看到“皮带和吊带器”多点的空气密封的描述。那是因为很难进行0.6 ACH 50鼓风机门测试。他们必须执行多个级别才能获得该认证。但是从实际的角度来看,如果您不参加认证,则不会看到房屋性能在0.6 A D 1.0 ACH 50之间有明显的区别。
    difference to you or me would really only be in the certification difference. You are really already getting multiple sealing with 2 overlapping staggered rigid foam layers that are individually taped. And that still doesn't count for the impossible to stagger joints at windows and doors where the real problems are and which taping the plywood can't affect.

  4. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#4

    你对这事太多心了。您正在构建一个500square-foot tiny house in Northern California (a "mild climate with hot summers"). Your utility bills will be tiny.



  5. dburgoyne||#5

    Thanks for the feedback. Which layer would be best to tape? I am planning to install a 3/4 ton ductless mini split, primarily for air conditioning during hot summers.

  6. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#6


    If you are willing to spring for a roll of Siga Wigluv tape, use it to seal the seams in the outermost layer of rigid foam. That will give you a more effective exterior air barrier than taped Tyvek.




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