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Please give us feedback on our current floor plan.

House information
Ground dimensions: 18 ft x 26 ft

GBA Prime


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  1. 史蒂夫·纳普(Steve Knapp)CZ 3A佐治亚州||#1

    您可能想在Unity Homes网站上查看VARM( The smallest plan does a good job of maximizing the space. With your plan, the main floor is chopped up quite a bit, and I think you really want to create more openness (by moving the stairs to the back wall, for example).

    1. traditionaltiny||#2

      Hey Steve, that's a good point.
      I'm not that fond of the open layout. I currently live in an open living/dining space with vaulted ceilings and it feels too open (i.e., not cozy). I am concerned that it will feel too closed, so I'll put more thought into it.

      1. Expert Member
        马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#3


        Please take this in the spirit in which it is intended: The floor plan has irredeemable problems. You should either hire a designer, or modify a plan you like from the internet.

        1. traditionaltiny||#5

          马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor),

          What are the irredeemable problems besides the open floor layout that Steve mentioned?

          1. Expert Member
            马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#10


            房屋的每个尺寸和形状都有特定的布局,以及如何细分内部的局限性。您最终得到的是经常在四个方形房屋中看到的计划,每侧都有一个中央循环和房间。他们总是在楼梯旁边有一个大厅。不幸的是,当您的建筑物只有18英尺x 24英尺时,这是无法正常工作的。




          2. traditionaltiny||#13

            Malcom,我们实际上没有自己做这些 - 专业的建筑商/设计师制作了这些设计。感谢您分享您的想法,尽管这对您来说非常不舒服。

  2. 山姆||#4

    我认为您的计划是表达您的个人住房偏好的良好开始。有一些问题,尤其是步行间隙,门摆等问题。我建议您挑选“人类维度和内部空间”的副本 - 这是一本旧书钱。


    1. traditionaltiny||#6

      Thank you for the feedback.

  3. Expert Member
    Rick Evans||#7

    Traditional and Tiny,

    Neat home!


    By putting the stairs in the middle of the home, you create some wasted space that would be better used to open up the dining room and bedroom by making them larger.





    1. traditionaltiny||#14

      Thank you Rick for your feedback!

      For the upstairs bathroom, we're planning to have a window there.



  4. Expert Member
    Rick Evans||#8


    You're welcome to use this floorplan if you like it.

  5. 罗伯特·乌太克(Robert Opaluch)||#9

    One metric I like to examine in a floor plan is the percentage of space taken up by hallways. Hallways can be considered "wasted space", although sometimes a hallway serves a dual purpose (on the second floor one office is also a hallway to the bedroom). A small size home can't afford much hallway space. I'd suggest trying to move your rooms or furniture arrangements around to reduce hallway spaces. Moving the stairs to a wall was a good suggestion that would help in that regard. Open floor plans do help in that regard too. Combining rooms to be dual use is another option. For example, a bedroom with a desk off to one side, tho that can disrupt sleep routines, maybe not a good example!


    All bets are off in a tiny home, tho. Trying to live in a small space with a family can be a challenge, but I guess you know your family is up to it. One way to afford a smaller house yet get all the rooms or space you desire is to consider an addition to be built later. Another is to consider "outside rooms" in your yard as spaces that would expand your "home", weather or seasonally permitting. I'm guessing your consider your basement and attic to be that expandable space that wouldn't require much initial investment.



    What is your climate? If a cold winter climate, do you have larger windows facing south (and smaller facing north and west)? That will increase daylighting and solar heat gain in winter, and avoid too much solar heat gain on summer afternoons. If a hot, humid summer climate, you would want to have less window area or shading of windows facing west, and perhaps east, due to excess solar heat gain in summer.

    Best of luck, designing and building your own home is an adventure of a lifetime, and can be one of your most prized accomplishments!

    1. traditionaltiny||#15

      Thanks Robert for your feedback. We're in New England USA. We have an amazing view towards the southeast (back of the house where the office and dining room are).

  6. Stephen Sheehy||#11

    Have you thought about a one story house with full basement or maybe build on a slab?

    1. 史蒂夫·纳普(Steve Knapp)CZ 3A佐治亚州||#12




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