
Hi there,
我目前在奥斯汀装修房子,while I have the walls opened up from the interior, I wanted to know whether or not to caulk or use spray foam as a way to fill in the gaps between the sheathing material and the stud walls. In portions of the house there is felt paper for the areas with wood siding, and other areas there is thermo-ply for the brick walls.
我的关注与预防害虫有关,而不是能源效率和空气紧密。具体来说,我想对这些护套材料和底部窗台板之间的差距做些事情 - 我可以看到蚂蚁土墩和白蚁的污垢以及在过去几年中发现的污垢的证据。对于具有热线的区域,在螺柱框架的热ply和底部之间还夹着一层黑色塑料板。纤维素将是绝缘材料。
Your instinct is correct. Air sealing efforts have multiple benefits, and pest entry prevention is one of them.
Of course, there is no guarantee that mice won't chew through cured spray foam. But air sealing efforts always help.
Hi Martin,
Thank you for your prompt reply. Do I need to take into account any kind of expansion or moisture issues? I'm leaning more towards the foam because in some areas the materials are fairly loose, where the the black plastic/thermo-ply pull away from the studs and there isn't much contact.
Q. "Do I need to take into account any kind of expansion or moisture issues?"
答:一个high quality caulk should be flexible enough to handle normal expansion and contraction issues -- better in most cases than cured spray foam (although using spray foam to seal gaps is obviously a good idea, even if the spray foam isn't particularly flexible).
Every builder should consider moisture issues. The first question to ask is, "Am I seeing any signs of moisture accumulation or damage?"
就水分问题而言,过去存在屋顶泄漏,因此是白蚁的问题。除此之外,很难判断是否还有其他水分问题。In about 5-10 areas spread throughout the house, the bottom portion of the thermo-ply has either been chewed away or disentigrated, which I take it to mean there must be moisture building up in those areas, but I’m not sure of the cause.
Is there splashback on the bricks?
Does the exterior grade slope toward the house?
Are the weep holes at the base of the brick veneer clogged?
The grade does not appear to be sloping towards the house.
If the windows were not properly sealed, could water be collecting at the bottom of these studs and be causing the damage to the t-ply? [fourth photo, hole in both black plastic and t-ply]
Thank you again for all your help so far.
Instead of using thermo-ply to replace to damaged sections (and because there might still be moisture issues), could I use extruded polystyrene instead? I'm wondering if it will be too thick to slide in between the brick an the bottom plate. If it does fit, could I just wedge it between the undamaged t-ply and the studs?
The usual order of business would be:
1. Determine the source of the moisture that caused the rot.
2. Remedy the problem that allowed the moisture to accumulate.
3. Remove all rotten components and install new materials.
In general, the ThermoPly should be fastened directly to the exterior side of the studs and bottom plate, so I'm not sure why you are thinking of "wedging it [the XPS] between the undamaged t-ply and the studs."
I understand that a physical assessment would be better. Who would I consult with to check on those issues, a building inspector? As of now, I'm still thinking the issues are related to deteriorated siding, windows that don't have much in terms of flashing, and perhaps old ant mounds. Both siding and windows will have to be replaced later in the year, or early next year, but in the meantime, we're trying to close up all the walls in order to move back in within the next two months. Originally I was planning to replace the rotted t-ply with new t-ply, but then started wondering if XPS or some other material that could withstand water could be a better option.
By wedging it, I meant some kind of adaptation of an approach to a flood-proof wall assembly as proposed by the Building Science Corporation [first attached image]
where the xps is installed in a shingle-like fashion. There, the foam runs along the complete height of the wall, but in our case, we wanted to know if it would be possible to use the existing t-ply, cut just above the deteriorated portions, and insert the foam just underneath the t-ply, using adhesive or a flashing tape to secure the foam. [second image attached]
If you are working from the interior (where you have brick veneer), your options for repairing sheathing rot are more limited, and you may have to try something like the approach suggested by Building Science Corp.