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So sick of paying for this site and not being able to get to the Strategies and Details!

ricoball| Posted inGeneral Questionson

For months the tale has been told that the site is being fixed. Here’s a suggestion – Hire someone that knows what they’re doing. It shouldn’t be that difficult.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    I understand your frustration. According to the current schedule, GBA hopes to launch the new web site by the end of March. I sincerely hope that our tech team is able to meet that schedule.

    We're all doing our best to cope with a difficult situation, and hopefully we are near the end of the journey.

  2. BobConnor||#2

    Rico, I understand your frustration too, a lot of times all I get is the young man in the gray shirt trying to thumb a ride out of there!

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