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Steel or wood studs for spray foam basement

Andrei Sosnovsky| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

My client wants 4″ of closed cell spray foam installed in stud cavities in his basement. Location – Toronto, Canada.

What studs should be used to frame foundation walls with – steel or wood?

The debate is that 2×4 is taking 1.1/2″ of space that could have been filled with foam if steel studs were used instead since they are only about 1/16″ thick.

Your input will much appreciated.

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  1. Riversong||#1

    According to an ORNL report, wood studs might degrade a wall's thermal performance by 10%, while steel studs can degrade it by 55%.

    There is no more effective thermal bridge than steel framing.

  2. Andrei Sosnovsky||#2

    Wow! 55% ??? I guess this dilema is solved.

    Thank you very much for your response.

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