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The “Perfect Wall” for Conversion Van in Warm/Humid Weather

Sydney Jamila| Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson

After thinking about the “Perfect Wall” for an upcoming Van Conversion project, my goal is to use non-toxic, organic and sustainable materials. The base of the van is metal. As for layers I’ve considered the following starting from metal (inner layer) to floor (outer layer).

1.蜥蜴皮声音控制(Sound/Radiant Barrier)
2.Lizard Ceramic Insulationand/or PermaLoft Wool (Insulation)
3. Recycled Polyethylene (Moisture Barrier)
4. Cork (Additional Sound Barrier to deafen outside noise)
5. Plywood (Flooring)

I’ve also considered the following as well:

1. Lizard Skin Sound Control (Sound/Radiant Barrier)
2. EcoFoil (Radiant Barrier)
3. Recycled Polyethylene (Moisture Barrier)
4. Cork (Sound Barrier)
5. Plywood

Keep in mind it’s a small space (roughly 66 sq/ft) that will accommodate 2 persons. Moisture is a major concern not only for common things such as mold and mildew but rust. Because it’s a vehicle (and my first build out) I’m taking precaution to make sure that it doesn’t rust from the inside out.

Any recommendations from the Green Building Community would be appreciated : )

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    The link you provided to the company selling "Ceramic Thermal Insulation Coating" does not give me confidence. This is the standard "insulating paint" scam. Run the other direction away from companies like this.

    For more on the insulating paint scam, see‘Insulating’ Paint Merchants Dupe Gullible Homeowners.

    I am not an expert on van conversions. But if you decide to include any insulation, I recommend that you use two-component spray polyurethane foam.

  2. Charlie Sullivan||#2

    Also note that the proposed uses of radiant barrier layers here are bogus--radiant barriers only work if there is an air space next to them--they inhibit radiation crossing the air gap. If the radiant barrier is in contact with solid materials on both sides, it does nothing.

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