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Thermomass walls vs. mineral fiber block with external insulation

Adam J| Posted inGeneral Questionson

Hello again,

In a corollary to my previous post [See: External insulation and Cladding over Nexcem / Durisol / Faswall block wall?], I’m considering a ThermoMass (or equivalent) wall approach vs. mineral fiber blocks w/ external insulation. I see pros and cons both ways.

One of the appeals of the T-mass approach would be simpler window trim details (since no external insulation would be required).

One of the concerns of the T-mass approach is that I hear there can be a chemical residue from the release agent for the form work (and I am trying to minimize chemical exposure inside the home).

Has anyone had experience with ThermoMass? Any thoughts to share? In particular, I’d be keen to learn about interior and exterior finishes that have worked well.

Much obliged,

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  1. Jon R||#1

    I expect that vegetable oil would work as a certainly safe release agent. SCIPs are a similar concrete/foam/concrete system that I think works well - but for some reason is rarely used in the US.

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