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Feedback on Shallow Frost-Protected Slab Design


Hi All,

Here in far northern Maine, my options for getting pre-formed foam for a monolithic slab (warmform, legalett) are a bit limited (by cost of shipping, and well.. by cost in the first place.) In addition, none of the off the shelf products I’ve seen have seemed ideal for supporting a double stud wall. I was thinking about using standard ICF forms (nudura taper-top) glued down to dense foam as shown in the attached image. The inner 2×6 wall would be the load bearing wall, and I’ve included ties between the concrete that would be poured into the ICF and the floor slab which would be done in a second pour. These ties would help prevent any potential rotation of the concrete supporting the outer studs. The benefits I see are:

1. Nudura ICF forms are carried by the local supplier.
4. Outer framing of the double-stud wall is supported, without a thick plinth of foam that would extend beyond wall sheathing.


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  1. plumb_bob.||#1

    Typically structural slabs are an engineered product, so you could run this by the engineer you are going to need to hire.

    1. 格雷格·哈姆林||#3


      I got the idea from here:

      The difference is the slab (with thickened edge) would support the load bearing wall, while the "ring beam" would only support the non-load bearing outer framing and sheathing. Engineering for the thickened edge slab seems pretty well established, and this is for a single story home.


  2. Expert Member

    At first glance, I like it. Depending on jurisdiction, you may need an engineer sign-off, as Plumb Bob mentioned. I'm not all that worried about the loads on the ICF & ties, as they're only taking the dead load of the outer stud & siding. You may/will see some differential settlement between the primary house loads crushing the foam differently than the outer stud on its ICF/foam foundation. That could rack windows and other elements that penetrate the wall, so plan accordingly.


    This would be a no-no in termite country, but let's hope that northern Maine doesn't see termites too soon.....

    1. 格雷格·哈姆林||#4


      With climate change, everything is marching north, but I think termites still have a long trek to get up here :)

  3. Jason S.||#5


    1. 格雷格·哈姆林||#6

      Thanks, I'll definitely check the guidance for depth, thickness, and width of the wing insulation. I imagine I can lower it at least to butt up against the bottom layer of underslab insulation.

  4. Jonathan Blaney||#7


  5. Expert Member


    For a single story you can probably skip the footings if you go with 10" or 12" core. Might have to increase the wall spacing a bit to make it work.

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