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Tile roof install in Climate Zone 3C – venting possible without soffit vents?

Rachel O'Mara| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

I am building a new replacement roof to include structure and clay tile roofing. The design has an historic plaster soffit detail that does not appear vent-able.

Is it possible to provide for proper air flow otherwise? I am wanting to give up and just spray foam the bottom of the deck, treating the attic space as conditioned.

Thanks for any advice.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    Relax. Every clay tile roof (or concrete tile roof) is vented, whether you want it to be or not. These types of roofing are completely open to the air; plenty of ventilation occurs under clay tiles and concrete tiles due to normal wind effects and temperature changes during the day.

    Most tile roofs aren't equipped with soffit vents. Instead, roofers install birdstop metal at the eaves. (See photo below.) The birdstop metal isn't airtight -- lots of air can enter at the eaves.

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