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DSH1109|Posted in一般的问题on


I am building a diy ICF house on a crawlspace (ICF from footer to roofline) in Louisville, KY Climate Zone 4A. I planned on having an unvented crawl space and have a question in regards to the energy efficiency of what I am thinking. I was hoping to save on the HVAC installation cost by installing a 36k BTU 4 zone mini split diy mini split and using supplemental gas or electric heat when it gets to cold outside for the heat pumps. The house will be roughly 1750 sq ft.

Code book reads like so on unvented crawl spaces
One of the following is provided for the under-floor space:

  1. 2.1连续运动机械排气ventilation每个50平方英尺的每分钟1立方英尺(0.47磅)(4.7米2) of crawl space floor area, including an air pathway to the common area (such as a duct or transfer grille), and perimeterwalls保险金Section N1102.2.11of this code.
  2. 2。2Conditioned air每个50平方英尺的每分钟(0.47 L / s)的速率提供大小以等于1立方英尺(4.7米2)楼层面积,包括一个return airpathway to the common area (such as a duct or transfer grille), and perimeterwalls保险金Section N1102.2.11of this code.
  3. 2。3Plenum在现有的结构符合Section M1601.5, if under-floor space is used as aplenum

I was planning on option 2.1 installing a bathroom vent fan in the sealed crawlspace venting to outside and a one transfer grille in the floor to allow air flow from the living space. I see per code I would only need 35CFM (1750/50=35CFM) on this vent fan but was planning on a 50CFM unit or so. My question is this option for an unvented crawl seems kind of wasteful and would negate the effects of a air tight well insulated house if I am constantly blowing out conditioned air compared to the other two options. However If I use the other two options I will need to either buy another mini split for the crawlspace or hire an HVAC contractor to run duct work and use a normal ducted system. What do you all think is the cheapest / most energy efficient option?


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  1. Walter Ahlgrim||#1

    In my opinion you are not looking at what the code is trying to tell you.


    2。1 You must blow the more or less conditioned air out of the crawlspace into the outdoors install vent so that air will be replaced with air from the living space. Note all of the air exhausted will be replaced with unconditioned air that will find a way to leak into the house.

    2。2You install supply registers in the crawlspace and return registers to the living space.


    When people can’t bring themselves to call it a “conditioned crawlspace” and use words like encapsulated or unvented it makes me think they are looking for the free lunch of not having to spend money to condition the air in the crawlspace.



  2. Expert Member



    If you are fine with sharing air, a cheaper option that an extra mini-split or more ducting might be to just add a fan moving air from the main floor down to the crawlspace.

  3. Expert Member

    ICF houses tend to be pretty air tight, which means you'll need mechanical ventilation.

    条件和排泄爬网空间的最简单方法是为您的HRV / ERV安装陈旧的空气拾取器。拾取器的尺寸为提供代码所需通风气流。这比试图发泄了很少使用的粉末室或浴室,更好地使用ERV陈旧空气拾取。

    除了更有效比排气辊筒y, venting your crawlspace this way has the benefit of not mixing the air with the rest of the house and removing any radon.

    1. DSH1109||#4

      谢谢你非常有用的回复。在我从未听说过的HRV / ERV的情况下,你为我打开了一个全新的蠕虫。我对如何继续困惑。你能告诉我所有陈旧的空气拾音器,并让分布为何吗?刚抓住爬行并还回到爬行或其他地区?我从我看起来的假设是一个HRV / ERV从房子和外部拾取空气,外面的混合/清洁它,然后在某些地区重新分配到房子。


    2. Eric Habegger.||#8



  4. Jon R||#5


  5. DSH1109||#6

    Looking into costs and radon mitigation I believe I will go with a option 2.1 with a exhaust to outdoors and a transfer grille from main floor to crawl space for now and comfort, time, and money calls for it do an ERV system later. Thanks for the help guys.

  6. Expert Member


    最小的设计为基础,我想这四个zone multi split would be about 2x oversized at design conditions. This means it would be ridiculously oversized most of the time which will cause it to cycle. This tends to increase energy use by a fair bit and will cause comfort issues on the smaller zones as they tend to get overheated or overcooled as refrigerant is bypassed through them.

    If your budget is tight, the best bet is a single wallmount in the living space and resistance heat for the bedrooms. During the day, as long as the doors are open, most of the heat will be from the mini split so the resistance heat will not need to run much.

    There is no need for propane or other backup. A decent cold climate mini split will easily heat your place. Add in the resistance heat in the bedrooms, you'll have enough to make it through even the worst polar vortex.


    This can be mounted in the crawlspace with simple runs to each room. You can even make a nice access hatch for it from the main floor by framing a large opening in the floor of closet of the guest bedroom and putting the floor there on a hinge.

    您可以查看MRCool的Universal或Midea DLCSRBH24AAK / DLFSAAH24XAK,费用小于您的四个区域多分裂。

    As for ventilation, something like a Panasonic Intellibalance 100 is not much more than the cost of two decent bathroom exhaust fans. Besides the energy efficiency improvement, this will give you much better indoor air quality. You really have to experience it, it is hard to describe how nice it is to walk into your home and to have the air always feel fresh.



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