
我在华盛顿东部结束了我的18英寸迷你房屋。当我和我的承包商放在我们的OSB屋顶甲板上时,我仍然没有决定使用一层或2层,其中有1英寸的R10泡沫。The extra weight, $1,200 cost, extra 3 inches of height over 13’ 6in, and the cosmetic fact we would have had to add another piece of LP smart trim vs the current 7.25 belly band that was flush with the single layer OSB, I decided to stick with the single layer:
*Now we’ll be putting Titanium PSU 30 ice and water shield over the OSB and then standing seam metal.
*内部是2×6的框架,我认为Sika Rmax泡沫Polyiso摩擦符合缝线的小西卡绝缘密封胶。使用5.5in这将是R33。2’'块,更多2'',然后是1.5’'。然后用胶带胶带挡住空气内。然后是某种木质T&G。
The Sika Rmax has a foil side and a guy at the local building supply store told me to leave a gap between the foil and the drywall to reflect? Yes? No? If so then maybe I’d do 5in total of Rmax polyiso.

内部是2×6的框架,我认为Sika Rmax泡沫Polyiso摩擦适合缝线,接缝处有少量的Sika绝缘密封胶。使用5.5in这将是R33。2’'块,更多2'',然后是1.5’'。然后用胶带胶带挡住空气内。然后是某种木质T&G。
1.这将是几乎不可能them, install them, and seal them such that there aren't gaps between the boards, or at the seams, or that they're physically touching eachother through all space. An R23 batt installed well, of any material, will provide better insulation at 1/4 the price.
2. There doesn't need to be an air gap between the insulation and your wall material. You want them to fit snugly together to eliminate any voids for air movement. The only time you would want an air gap between insulation and another surface would be on the roof, for a ventilation channel nearest the roof decking, with the insulation below it.
我非常感谢凯尔的回应。我只是准备发布一个不同的问题,因为我知道削减和鹅卵石的声誉并不高。下一个问题是关于我未通风的25度屋顶上有2个蒸气屏障。一个是钛psu 30冰和水上盾,另一个是内部的rmax polyiso箔侧。可以接受吗?
我喜欢Roxul/Rockwool;这就是我墙上的东西。在混合动力设置上,用R23岩圈和固体2英寸的rmax polyiso在after子上填充框架腔的共识是什么?我的天花板高度很高,所以2英寸的损失没什么大不了的。我还可以在Roxul和护套之间留下通道吗?
Take care.