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VanEE ventilation

MarianPurcell| Posted inGeneral Questionson

My landlord wants this unit left on but it blows cold air full blast into my place. I mean freezing air very forcefully. I closed the vents but the cold air is freezing on my floors. I have electric wall units not a blowing furnace. Its set to comfortable humidity. I have turned it off due to being cold. The windows are very wet with condensation. Our outdoor temp right now is – 7 C.
Do you have any ideas about whats going on here – doesnt seem normal to me. I am used to gas furnaces so this has me stumped.
Thank you

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    The VanEE unit is a heat-recovery ventilator (HRV). While it's true that the air introduced by the HRV will be colder than the indoor air, that problem can be reduced by (a) making sure that the ventilation registers don't direct the ventilation air directly at human skin (for example, at dining room chairs or the head of your bed), and (b) making sure that your space heating system keeps you comfortable by providing the right indoor temperature.

    It's possible that your HRV is broken or installed poorly. It might be a good idea to have the installation inspected by a knowledgeable contractor.

    You don't want to turn off your ventilation system. You need one. If your windows are wet with condensation, that means it's time to turn your HRV back on.

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