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Venting the soffit of an exterior non-roof awning

Sam Miller| Posted inGeneral Questionson

I was wondering if you have to vent the underside of an exterior awning that is not a roof and has no insulation in it. It will have T&G decking on the underside.

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  1. Sam Miller||#1

    Here is a picture. You can see the joists in the area that I am talking about. The home is located on Camano Island, WA and is in a moderate marine environment.

  2. Sam Miller||#2


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  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#3

    Q. "I was wondering if you have to vent the underside of an exterior awning that is not a roof and has no insulation in it."

    A. No.

  4. Aj Builder, Upstate NY Zone 6a||#4

    Sam, venting roof systems lowers the roof temperature and clears out moisture. Venting a porch something like you describe is not called for by code if I understand your post. Would it help the roofing last longer? A roof shingle manufacturer may know. Low on my list. For low slope roofs here in NY, I like to completely cover my sheathing with ice and water shield or use 30 pound tar paper half lapped instead of a 2" lap. Comes down to budget and type of roof/building/shed or whatever.

    Hope this helps. Basically the answer is no, but venting it if you want to is OK.

  5. Aj Builder, Upstate NY Zone 6a||#5

    Beautiful project Sam. Now that I see your roof... I would say hopefully the underside of it is not vented but is permeable so that there is no trapped moisture inside the structure that is not able to dry.

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