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Feedback on Wall Assembly




Vinyl Siding > 2″ foil faced PolyIso such as RMax Thermasheath R-13 (taped/sealed) > WRB such as Henry BlueSkin > CDX Plywood sheathing > R-23 Rockwool between 2×6 studs > drywall > Paint

– My understanding is that by using PolyIso in the exterior of the assembly, I do NOT want a polyethylene vapor barrier on between the studs and the drywall because the assembly will dry to the interior. Is this correct?
- 如果我对内部干燥是正确的,那么我认为我不应该选择蒸汽阻燃油漆。它是否正确?
– I understand that with 2×6 studs in Zone 6A I should be hitting R-11.25. I also know PolyIso diminishes in cold weather. So is 2″ of foil faced PolyIso enough?
- 我尚未发现RMAX Thermasheath的任何全面评论,但似乎与Dupont Thermax相当,而且成本较低。这些产品之间有合法的差异吗?
- 亨利·布鲁斯金(Henry Blueskin)是这个组装的好WRB吗?有一个更合适的吗?是否存在更具成本效益的等效质量WRB?
- CDX胶合板的好处是否值得与此组件相比,OSB的成本?
– Is there any reason to consider another option for cavity insulation other than Rockwool with this assembly?

Many thanks to anyone who responds!


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  1. 尼克||#1

    Interested in any responses you get. I'm thinking a similar wall but with a retrofit.

  2. Expert Member


    With enough exterior rigid, you don't need anything more than painted drywall as a vapor retarder. Skipping any type of vapor barrier does help with drying in the summer time, so it is the better way to go in your case.

    " PolyIso diminishes in cold weather"

    The exact ratio of exterior rigid to cavity insulation is a bit of a squishy number. You can always stretch the ratio by making sure your wall is air tight. Keeping air leaks out of your walls will make a bigger difference in moisture accumulation. Even if the polyiso does de-rate in very cold weather, it will still work well the rest of the year. I wouldn't worry about it.

    对我来说,plyiso是一种商品,我购买了最具成本效益的商品。如果在您的地区可用,则可以寻找可渗透的Polyiso(IE Ener-Air),因为这也可以使墙壁干燥到外部。由于您有很多泡沫,因此这不是一个问题,但是如果成本大致相同,我会服用可渗透的泡沫。

    "Henry BlueSkin a good WRB"


    CDX/OSB is a personal choice. In this case, the extra permeability of CDX doesn't matter so I would be hard pressed to spend extra on it.


    Any type of cavity insulation will work. If you have a local dense pack installer, cellulose is the greenest option, it is also the best insulation for an attic. You can also look at high density fiberglass batts as budget option.

  3. Kyle R||#3

    How are you installing the windows?

  4. 福雷斯特·斯坦利||#4

    我不知道您在设计过程中走了多远,或者您的教育水平可能是什么,但这是一个建议 - 看看新斯科舍省的无源设计解决方案可用的房屋计划和设计过程(Natalie Leonard,P.E。是所有者)。我从未见过她,也没有与这家公司接触过,但是他们的创新设计给我留下了深刻的印象,他们肯定能够解决您提出的问题的类型。他们的作品大量在YouTube和其他地方都显示在互联网上,这里有几个链接 -
    Best of Luck!

  5. 乔尔·辛利(Joel Cheely)||#5

    You'll have to check specs on the vinyl siding. I don't know any that can be attached through 2" of foam. You'll have to install strapping for most siding, and many vinyls are not approved to go over strapping. I used the guidance from my exterior insulation house in central NY zone 5.

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