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The only change that we are making is that we have removed the lath & plaster and are adding 1/2 drywall. Does anyone have any experience with this? The inspector has concerns about where the dew point is, and how it has changed now by removing the plaster….. If anyone has any advice or information I am all ears. We have been battling them for almost 3 months now and we just need some resolution.

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  1. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#1

    As long as the building is heated in winter, the drywall will be close to room temperature, and will therefore be warm and dry -- just as the plaster used to be.

  2. 克里斯蒂娜·贝德尔(Kristina Beedle)||#2


  3. Expert Member
    Michael Maines||#3


  4. Trevor Trainor||#4


    I think your inspector has a point. The issue is not the temperature of the drywall, but the temperature of the interior surface of the brick wall and the ability of vapour and interior air to reach it and condense within the wall assembly. What are the air and vapour control layers? When you apply the drywall to the furring strips, will this create an air gap? The change you are proposing could result in a significant change in the vapour and thermal profile of the wall and present condensation risk.

    我不会这么快地排除绝缘选项。如果与外部水控制措施合作正确地完成,则可以在不增加冻结/融化风险的情况下添加内部绝缘材料,并在此过程中创建更节能的房屋。约翰·斯特劳伯(John Straube)博士可以比我更好地解释这一点 - 查看有关该主题的论文 -


  5. 克里斯蒂娜·贝德尔(Kristina Beedle)||#5

    I have actually been in contact with the Building Science corp, and because of the type of brick and the evidence of freeze thaw cycles in our paraphets we will not be insulating the walls. I have had several engineers and an architect advise against the insulation for our walls. All of the exterior items on the home have been addressed. Yes there will be an air gap and yes our plan is to attach the drywall right to the furring strips. They are very secure and have withstood the last 120 years. We will not be adding a vapor barrier as this would cause condensation between it and the brick, and we need the brick to breathe. We are proposing some sort of a ventilation system to help control the moisture, but I just don't see how drywall would allow or add any more moisture than the lath & plaster there was an sir gap with the lath & plaster too.

  6. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#6

    You have it backwards.

    You wrote, "The change you are proposing could result in a significant change in the vapour and thermal profile of the wall and present condensation risk."


  7. Trevor Trainor||#7

    Sorry to be unclear. My point was that by removing the stucco and replacing it with drywall, you will be changing the vapour and thermal profile of the wall. If there was an air gap previously, then the change in the thermal profile will be minimum, but the vapour permiability of drywall is approximately 5 times higher than stucco, changing the vapour profile significantly. The other issue to consider is the moisture tolerance of drywall compared to stucco. Condensation moisture touching the stucco in the old wall system would not cause damage, while it only takes a small amount of moisture to cause problems with drywall.

    You just want to make sure that you do a really good job of controlling air and vapour flow from the inside in this low R wall system.

  8. Expert Member
    Michael Maines||#8

    The original plaster likely had many coats of relatively impermeable oil-based and/or lead paint. The new drywall (installed over existing furring strips, according to Kristina) will likely be covered with permeable latex paint.

  9. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#9

    While you are right that the vapor permeance of the drywall may differ from that of the painted plaster, (1) it's an easy matter to apply a coat of vapor-retarder paint to the drywall, and (2) my original point -- that the drywall will stay warm and dry all winter as long as the building is heated -- remains true.

  10. 克里斯蒂娜·贝德尔(Kristina Beedle)||#10


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