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sara1|发布了General Questions

显然,在吸烟时,一个体面的理智的非吸烟者就没有权利。我住在一个三层楼的联排别墅,与我的隔壁邻居分享一个共同的墙壁,这是一个旧的退休夫妇,他24/7吸烟,没有关于我的哮喘问题。当他们坐在另一边和烟雾时,烟雾从起居室墙漂移。他们拒绝打开他们的窗户来空间,并拒绝在一个开放的窗户旁边抽烟。结果,所有的抽烟都漂移到我的身边。这很恶心,它让我真的呕吐。我已经离开了我的公寓,现在和家人住在几个月。但我不能永远做到这一点。公寓协会忽略了我,并让我让律师与他们沟通,卫生委员会没有权威公寓,没有律师接受了我的案件。我听说过,很快就会被允许在作品中吸烟。 Can’t get worse than that this. My question is would be is there a way to insulate my interior walls whether through the foams, brick, or any other material to stop the smoke coming to my side. I heard spray foam causing cancer and due to my ongoing health situation, if that the case, I don’t want to expose myself to such hazard, yet marijuana has its own harmful effect and want to avoid inhaling that. Just the fact that I am forced to smoke whenever my neighbor smoke, makes me really mad, frustrated and helpless. Please advise

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  1. C L.||#1

    Insulation won't help in this case. You want to air seal.
    What year was the structure built?
    我女ould start with removing all the electrical outlet and switch covers on the wall you share with the neighbors and caulk between the box and the drywall. If you are at all handy, turn off the circuit, take the switch or outlet out of the box by pulling it back so you have access to the inside of the box, then also caulk all the holes in the back of the box. I significantly reduced the transmission on cigarette smoke from someone's neighboring condo sealing the electrical boxes.

    Check you kitchen hood venting to figure out if you share a vent pipe with the neighbors.


    1. sara1||#6


      1. sara1||#12

        It was built in 1984, and I purchased it a few months ago.

    2. sara1||#11

      Thanks for your reply, Is there also away to leak proof my vents, some of the vents are coming from that shared wall. However the central heat/AC venting are separate for each unit.

  2. Jon R.||#2

    +1 on using a fan to positively pressurize your space.

  3. Expert Member

    Spray foam causing cancer sounds like a stretch to me. Be careful what you read about things like that, and never believe the “known to the state of California” warnings that are pretty much meaningless.

    You need to air seal the shared wall. Use red silicone fire caulk (red silicone, not the intumescent stuff) on screw holes in the box. Don’t go crazy, just use enough to seal the holes. Use canned foam or caulk, depending on the size of the gap, around the boxes. See if that improves things. I suspect the stink might be able to permeate drywall as some things can. If that’s the case, you might be able to use a sealing primer like BIN to seal the wall, then paint over that primer. If that doesn’t work, you could put up polyethylene sheet and sandwich it between the original drywall and a second layer (which will also help to reduce sound transmission through the wall).

    下一个选项是稍微增压e with a fan bringing in fresh air from somewhere away from the pot smoke. If everywhere brings in stink, you can try an activated carbon air filter which will probably help, but those have a life so you’ll be replacing them as they gradually lose effectiveness.

    To paraphrase a reply to a similar type of problem that Martin once wrote (his reply was “move to Vermont” :-), move somewhere and when looking at listings, ignore any properties that list an HOA fee. Where I am, my nearest neighbor is about 700 feet away. Most are over half a mile. It makes for a nice retreat from the crazy world, where one can quietly contemplate building science issues without noise and smells from annoying neighbors :-)


    1. sara1||#9

      Thanks Bill

    2. 炉排||#19


      Best practice is to use exterior air supply and a positive pressure hood during any large application, and keep anybody without that ventilation out of the home for a while to give the foam time to offgas. You'll probably be fine applying a few ounces to an outlet or a crack, just from dilution of the air in your home, but foaming a wall is an entirely different matter. -equipple-ppe/

  4. 杰森斯。||#4

    +2 on positive air pressure. The air sealing gambit is more difficult and time intensive.

    Get a window fan and have it blow inward to your unit. If the weather won't cooperate when they're smoking, fight fire with fire. Play the tuba. Or ring their doorbell and run. Repeat ad nauseum.

    Best of luck.

    1. sara1||#7


  5. John Clark||#5

    Confused. You live in a 3 story townhome yet you've stated that you "left your apartment to live with family". IF you're a tenant this is an issue between your landlord and the property owner of the neighboring unit. Notify your landlord and if he/she won't do anything then find another apartment.

    Your neighbors are violating your property rights by allowing their pollution (smoke) to migrate into your home. Technically they should air seal their side of the unit because it is their pollution.

    If you really want to stop it call the DEA because although it may be legal on the state level it's still not legal federally. Just tell the DEA that they're smoking up a storm and you feel that there's an uptick in foot traffic in/out of the unit. ;)

    Of course there's always small-claims court. That'll get their attention.

  6. sara1||#8

    weed smoking is legal in my state and the law says they need to do it inside their home. That is why I mentioned as a non smoker I have no right.

  7. Tom May||#10

    It could be worse, they could be bad cooks too.....but pressurizing is the answer as others have suggested, unfortunately it will suck in hot weather, if you have to draw in hot air. If you have a lower level or basement level put the fan down there and close the rest of the windows, other than one or two on the upper floors, to force cooler air up and into your house.

  8. sara1||#13

    the smell of food is not HARMFUL, marijuan is. I dont want to inhale the marijuana and trying to stop getting that into my place.

  9. KurtGranroth||#14

    I'm finding it very odd that smoke is making its way through the wall and not flanking around through windows or vents. Multi-family buildings have pretty strict requirements for sound attenuation on any common wall -- at least STC 50. Getting to STC 50 requires very good air sealing, which would absolutely stop smoke.

    Maybe it's because the townhome is old enough to predate any standard?

    1. TheLo||#22.

      Believe it. 15 year old condo and it’s coming in from the pressure caused by the wind at the neighbors.

  10. ThriftTrust.||#15

    John Clark说:“如果你真的想阻止它呼吁DEA,因为虽然它可能是合法的国家级,但它仍然没有合法的联邦。只是告诉DEA他们吸烟,你觉得有一个上升在单位的英尺流量中。;)“

    So you are suggesting committing a federal crime, (lying to a federal agent) and potentially perjury (if it goes to court) to stop a neighbor from engaging in a perfectly legal activity.

    1. John Clark||#16

      There's nothing perfect legal on the Federal Level.


      There's nothing legal about letting ones pollution travel through a common wall into a neighbors unit. Smoke of any kind is a pollutant. Full stop. I have neighbors that are pot heads and we've had the close the bedroom windows during the spring because they were smoking outside. Annoying for sure but it's not coming through my common wall so it's only a nuisance rather than a problem.

  11. C L.||#17.

    John Clark写道:“让污染通过普通墙进入邻居单位,”让污染旅行没有任何合法的。“


    Beyond legality, some HOA's might have rules (not laws) against smoking, but many are quite reluctant to either take any enforcement actions or if they dont have rules, to make any rules associated with transferred smoke or smells. It leaves those who don't enjoy the smoke with no option other than to do their own remedial air sealing and/or move. Many multifamilies were built years before any STC or air sealing requirements, so the good news is you can often make a HUGE improvement with some relatively minor effort.

    1. John Clark||#18

      True there are legal nuances which must be addressed. IMO the OP, if he/she is the owner of the property, could make an argument in small-claims court and see what happens. Depending on his/her state an award could reach up to $15k. That would go a long way towards paying for mitigation.

  12. Jon R.||#20


  13. TheLo||#21


    1. Expert Member

      Maintaining a slight positive pressure in your home, and bringing the intake air in through an activated carbon filter located as far as possible away from your neighbor's home, should make a big improvement in your indoor air quality in this regard. The positive pressure will make everything leak OUT instead of IN, so the only place stuff could get in would be the fan used for pressurizing your house, and the activated carbon filter will catch smoke particulates before they get into your home. Keep in mind that the filter will need periodic replacement.


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