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Identifying Old Insulation

eldarchik| Posted inGeneral Questionson

After gutting the kitchen, we discovered that above the ceiling beams there is an insulation about 3.5″ thick. Very heavy and hard to break (we needed to drill a hole thru it for stove vent). Just wondering does anyone know what type of insulation is this? House was built in the 50s. Looks pretty serious and something tells me it’s really good one. It looks like it has 3 different layers on it, and black layer one is almost hard as a rock. See attached.

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  1. Lee Everett||#1

    Looks like Fiberboard and an asphalt/felt. Im assuming this building had (or has) a flat roof at some point in it's past

  2. GBA Editor
    Kiley Jacques||#2

    You are right to think it’s a good product—one that has undergone some changes over the last few decades, making it a popular choice among high-performance home builders. Read this article to learn more about fiberboard insulation:In Favor of Wood-Fiber Insulation.

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