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Alex S| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

Hi all,


I’m looking to add radiant floor heating to the underside of sheathing where the bottom floor is an unconditioned parking garage. Uponor recommends that I go direct to the aluminum heat transfer plates with the insulation, while Joe Lstiburek says this:

I suppose what I’m looking to better understand is what assemblies call for including an air gap.


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  1. 专家成员
    Peter Engle||#1

    铝传热板和空域不相互排斥。你肯定可以做两者。Joe L'S文章的主要观点是,绝缘和地板下面之间的空域使地板升温而不会显着增加热量损失,所有其他东西都是平等的。但请注意,他确实认识到您可以通过填充整个隔热器的整个楼层腔内进一步减少热量损失,或者在更冷却器的风险中,或者至少更加不均匀的温度地板。吊具板和空体的组合将最大限度地减少热“条带”。超级重要:这一整个讨论是主要的要求地腔密封密封。这是一个无论如何对车库的生活空间的安全要求,但仍然非常重要。没有车库或外部空气应该能够吹入/通过地板腔或所有投注都关闭。

    所以我的建议:首先,你必须满足ins代码ulation, or code plus if you are shooting for better-than-code energy performance. Once you select your insulation material and thickness, you see if there is extra space in your floor system. If so, you can leave the airspace above the insulation to make floor temps more consistent. If the local muni inspectors give you a hard time, tell them that the garage ceiling is your air barrier and make sure that it really is.


  2. Alex S||#2

    Cheers. Got you. Was thinking the same thing with the rigid foam. We’re actually using floor trusses. Will air seal the cavity , than air bottom of the trusses.


  3. 汤姆五月||#3

    Can you put it on top of the floor, inside the apt?

    1. Alex S||#4

      We're looking at that option as well. It's new construction. Feels like it might be more cost prohibitive. Originally, was really trying to understand the difference in performance: Under sheathing with heat transfer plates vs above sheathing in say a Warmboard type of product.

      1. 汤姆五月||#5

        你仍然可以在顶部使用转移板.... walmboard不是你唯一的选择......

        1. Alex S||#6

          I thought about your input. Looking at going on top again. Planning on engineered wood floor; what in your opinion is a cost effective option here.

          1. 汤姆五月||#8

            I'm sure I'll get some slack for this but if you don't want to pour a thin slab and use engineered wood flooring instead, I would put down a layer of rigid insulation with a reflective coating (1/2 inch stuff), I would then use similar insulation on which to lay the transfer plates, basically strips between the tubing with the transfer plates on top. Add a layer of cement board in contact with the plates,(an optional thin slurry of mortar could be applied to tie it all together or just for the joints), a layer of luan, then your wood floor.
            Before you secure the cement board, walk on it to make sure it's not to squishy, you can add strapping or strips of plywood for more support if necessary or you could skip the second layer of insulation if necessary also....

          2. Wooba Goobaa||#13

            Lots of good info over here ...


            I used Climate Panel (from Viega, same as the Uponor product) for reasons of it being thinner, able to survive a splash (kitchen), mid price range. Retrofitting the underside was not practical, requires higher water temperature, etc.

            If you choose over the top, be super careful that the floor installer does not hit the tubing with a nail.

  4. 专家成员
    Peter Engle||#7


    1. 查理沙利文||#12


  5. Ethan Foley||#9


  6. 专家成员

    My preferred option is Ultra Fin. These have most of the benefit of heat plates while keeping the tubing away from the subfloor so you can install standard nail down flooring.

    The drawback is that you need a gap between the insulation and the subfloor above and you need to air seal (which you should do anyways) otherwise lot of the heat from this cavity can be lost.

    Quicker install, uses much less tubing and you can also adjust the spacing to match your water temperature. This means that you don't need a separate low temperature loop and can run it at the same temperature as standard rads/baseboards.

    1. 查理沙利文||#11


      1. 专家成员

        它可以在低温下运行,但确实会降低BTU输出。如果您查看任何体面的建筑,您在10BTU / SQFT下方或下方,可使用低温水(SUB 110F)。




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