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Brian Mason|Posted in一般的问题on

I’d like to insulate my walk-out basement this summer (one wall below grade, one above, one halfway), thinking of using foam board glued to the cinder block walls, with a framed wall and fiberglass or rock wool batts up against it.

我是否对此应用程序有很好的替代品?EPS听起来很伟大 - 更便宜,更少的GWP - 但我找不到未乘以的EPS泡沫板。似乎只有XPS和Polyiso很容易获得。(面对,车库门绝缘套件除外)


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  1. DCContrarian||#1


  2. 专家成员

    在房屋建筑供应股票我打电话nsulation, or specialty insulation suppliers. If those places don’t have stock, they’ll be able to order it for you.


  3. 专家成员

    You could also check with this manufacturer and ask them for distributors in your area:

  4. Brian Mason||#4

    Thanks all! I’ll check those out. Also curious if you know the status of current manufacturing of XPS, I believe new lower GWP processes should be coming into play around now.

  5. 专家成员


  6. Brian Mason||#6

    谢谢迈克尔 - 令人失望但并不令人惊讶。

    New sub-question, I got a proposal for spray foam sealing of the rim joists. I had about decided not to do this (and just do it myself with foam board, Great Stuff, and rock wool), but the price is coming in quite reasonable. Is my understanding correct that all spray foams now use low GPW blowing agents? Is that synonymous in practice with HFO's? If it's not the case that everyone uses them now, what can I ask my potential contractor -- simply , what blowing agents do you use?

    I greatly appreciate everyone's expertise here. I'm finding the options and details surprisingly complex for such a modest DIY project and you're all a huge help!

  7. raul4817.||#7




  8. 专家成员

    user-7700882, while all spray foam manufacturers now have a low-GWP, HFO-blown option, many installers are still using HFC-blown foam. Some markets are ahead of others. It's a client-driven issue so it's important to ask for it. You should be able to simply ask for HFO-blown foam, but I would also ask for the product name and double check that it's actually HFO-blown. Also try to get them to show you the barrels of raw product to ensure they are using what they told you they would use. (Lessons learned the hard way...)



  9. Brian Mason||#9

    公司(天气印章)表示,他们使用Demilac产品。它看起来像Demilac有一个HFO封闭的细胞产品。该提案是使用开放式电池喷雾泡沫(我认为在地下室的边缘托梁可能会更好,但我不确定),它看起来并不像Demilac有一个HFO吹开的开放式电池泡沫 - 但再次我不知道。我会问他,但很可能会恢复这样做,我自己是如此简单。


  10. 专家成员

    Demilac had one of the first HFO-blown closed cell foams on the market. Unfortunately like all spray foam companies they overstate their case, claiming, "Insulate without damaging the planet." Don't believe their marketing; all foam insulation comes with significant carbon emissions, which matter more on the short term that we should be looking at and not the 100-year lifecycle they base their calculations on. But I digress...



  11. Brian Mason||#11

    Thank you again Michael! And no, I don't believe their hype. The field is way more complex than I appreciated. They have little incentive to present things clearly and lots of incentives (and ways) to mislead us, intentionally or not. The community here plays a really valuable role in cutting through all that.

  12. Sam S||#12

    I've run into a similar issue. Stucco suppliers will usually stock smaller pieces of EPS as part of their EIFS install systems, but they are almost certainly the wrong size for basement walls. None of my local lumberyard stock it.


    Further up the supply chain, check out Atlas/ACH Foam, Insulfoam, Styrotech, or Polymolding, LLC (I believe they are all manufacturers). They may be able to point you towards a local distributor. You might come across Universal Foam as well, I believe they are just a distributor.

  13. 专家成员





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