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伯克·斯托勒|Posted in一般的问题on

这只是一个好奇的问题,看看啊f the building science gurus here have an answer. We are building a “near Passive” house on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, and are in the under slab prep phase. It is a slab-on-grade scenario, and yesterday we put down half of the house’s first 6″ layer of EPS (Type II), and about ¼ of the house’s second 6″ layer. This morning, there was a heavy dew outside, and of course every outdoor surface was soaking wet. However, by noon, it was quite warm outside, and very sunny, and everything outside was now totally dry. Except, the EPS laid out was still absolutely soaked, and remained somewhat wet right up until the end of the day. (Note- the EPS had been stacked outside uncovered for a few days beforehand and did see a bit of rain.) Here are the reasons why I was mystified enough by this “everlasting condensation” situation to post the question!

4. If it was simply the moisture from the previous days’ rain coming out of the foam, why wouldn’t the moisture drive be downwards, towards the cool soil, rather than upwards towards the warm(er) sunny side of the foam?


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  1. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#1

    Good question. GBA readers: any ideas?

  2. 查理·沙利文(Charlie Sullivan)||#2


    1) There's essentially no solar energy absorbed by the water or the EPS. You can visually see that water doesn't absorb significant visible light energy (until it's many feet deep); it also doesn't absorb near IR. You can also see that the EPS reflects the visible; I'm not sure about the near IR.


    3)如果辐射热交换与附近的物体有清晰的天空视图可能是最小的 - 您可能会因向天空的辐射而失去热量,而不是与附近物体的热交换中获得热量。

    So the only way it can warm significantly is by convection of heat downward to a large flat surface, and that's not very effective. Whatever breeze was present certainly helped and was probably the determining factor in the rate of drying.

    And there's one more effect that I think contributes significantly:

    4) After some of the dew dries on, for example, a car, there remain some drops, each separated by some bare surface area. Because the surface (a piece of sheet metal in this case) conducts heat pretty well, the surface around the drop acts as a heat collector, and the heat conducted in the surrounding area gets conducted to the drop to help it evaporate. The EPS doesn't do that well.


  3. 大卫·梅兰德(David Meil​​and)||#3

    Do an experiment--weigh a chunk of dry foam, soak it in water for a while, then weigh it again. If it can hold much water, then your answer may lie in the "recharge" effect of water that has been absorbed (either rain or maybe even in manufacturing). My suspicion is that the moisture drive would be upwards toward the air, rather than downwards.

  4. 伯克·斯托勒||#4

    Interesting thoughts- thanks for the responses! We had a really neat effect on site today. Yesterday we had placed peel and stick down on top of the foundation wall, and then wrapped it over the top of the XPS insulation acting as the slab edge thermal break (so that we could seal the under slab poly to the peel and stick and have it act as the capillary break between concrete and framing). When we showed up, there was a perfectly distinct dew line on top of the walls: no dew on top of the peel and stick over the concrete, and VERY heavy dew on the 2" of peel and stick running over top of the XPS! That made perfect sense, as the concrete had stored enough thermal mass, and was conducting enough heat up from the ground below that the peel and stick on the concrete never quite got down to the dew point, whereas the XPS has zero thermal mass and was the same as air temperature, so had definitely reached the dew point. Still, it looked pretty neat. Some of the unusual things one finds when building super-insulated houses!

  5. 专家成员
    马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#5


  6. 伯克·斯托勒||#6

    We are building for a client in Qualicum Bay, which is just south of courtenay. I will try to get some pics up at some point. Is there a spot on the site that would be a good place to post?

  7. Alan B||#7


  8. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#8

    您可以在问答页面上发布照片。如果您想提交访客博客,可以通过电子邮件与我联系:Martin [at] GreeenBuildingAdvisor [dot] com。




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