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Jeff Cooper|发布General Questions
The instructions for my SmartSide panel siding call for a minimum 3/16″ gap between the window frame and the trim, and then sealant applied in that gap. The instructions for my JeldWen vinyl windows say, “For a finished look and additional protection, seal this gap on the sides with backer rod and sealant.” Simonton Windows says, ” Seal the gap with elastomeric sealant and backer rod when necessary.” Given the net leaning of these recommendations, I was all set to seal around my windows, but Martin’s post in 2011 makes sense to me: “Here’s my vote: don’t install any caulk at all between the siding and the window frame or window trim. The siding is not part of your air barrier, and it’s better to let this small crack drain freely and dry quickly.”//
What do you recommend? Have sealants improved enough in the last 8 years to change your thinking? I’m in central Arizona with 24″ overhangs on the eaves and 18″ overhangs on the gable ends of a one-story house.
如果我确实在3/4英寸深的间隙中涂上密封剂,则DynaFlex 230说明建议对1/2英寸以上的任何深度的支持杆。我的差距实际上从3/16英寸到宽1/4英寸不等。我从Rofonline.com上的参考中了解,我的闭合电池支持杆应该比间隙大1/8英寸,所以我打算购买3/8英寸的杆,但必须很难将其挤入3/16英寸的间隙。如果有什么风险在这么多的范围中压缩它会扭曲乙烯基窗框吗?

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  1. Jeff Cooper||#1

    I can't find any way to email GBA to let them know that I couldn't see what I was typing in the Description box when I first loaded the form, nor on the two times I edited my question, because the form is using a white font on white. I got around the first problem by typing in a Notepad sort of application and pasting it in, then I edited my question by highlighting the whole box in blue so that the white showed. If you're trying to reply to my question, these tricks may help. If you're on the GBA staff, this is my way to let you know there's something wrong. Interestingly, this Reply box and the Title box are behaving normally.

  2. Expert Member
    Malcolm Taylor||#2


    The cladding and trim represent your first layer of protection agains bulk water intrusion, and I don't think the problems caused by deliberately allowing water to penetrate it are outweighed by the drying potential gaps afford - especially if the wall includes a rain-screen behind. It's mute point here anyway. Sealing the gap is required by code.

    Smartside's recommendation aside, the trim is only going to expand and contract around where it is pinned by the fasteners. Leave an 1/8" gap, which doesn't need backer rod, and then caulk it.

  3. Jeff Cooper||#3


  4. Andy CD Zone 5 - NW Ohio||#4

    Jeff, I wouldn't worry about backer rod distorting adjacent vinyl window frames. These gaps can vary considerably; in thinner places just tug on the backer rod as you install it, which will stretch it out. At super-wide spots, twist two together. I don't think the rod, even when compressed to the point that you have to shove it in with a poker, has enough rebound force to affect the window.

  5. 乔恩·R||#5

    不要只是使用任何随机填缝 - 我会使用 +100/-50%(例如Dymonic 100)。

  6. Jeff Cooper||#6

    Thank you, Andy and Jon.

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