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Window in brick / stucco reinstallation?

ggeoff| Posted inGeneral Questionson

I’m doing some work on a pre-existing extension here in New York and I found a serious draft coming from the window.

When I pulled the trim I found a lot of wood rot and no insulation or flashing. I also noticed the wooden buck extends through the wall and is flush with the exterior stucco wall.

I’ve never seen a window installed like this, from what I know it looks sloppy but don’t have a lot of stucco experience.

So, should I be pulling this all out and reinstalling or can this be salvaged somehow?


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  1. Expert Member

    I'm not a stucco guy, but that does not look like a proper install. There should have been a head flashing on the top of the window at least.

    A google result of proper install:

    Fixing it will not be simple.

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