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Window install in old brick opening

Mark Mahon| Posted inGeneral Questionson

The existing brick remains and interior wall framing would
Be new 2×4 wall.
There would be no brick mould.
I was thinking using a plywood box to line the opening
But the flashing details would be a concern
Any suggestions.perhaps using a product from tremco called exoair

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    I suggest that you watch GBA's 4-part video series,Replacement Window in an Old Brick House.

  2. Mark Mahon||#2

    The windows we are using don't have flanges.
    They will be secured through the frame with shim screws or special clips.
    最好是使用Siga磁带(Corvum)on the interior, which the drywall returns would cover up? Also considering using ExoAir from Tremco on the perimeter of the frame.

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#3

    I'm not going to select the "best" air sealing tape for this application, but I am happy to stipulate that Siga tapes are high-quality tapes with an excellent reputation.

    Tremco ExoAir has a few quirks, and some builders find the product frustrating. For more information on Tremco ExoAir, read my review here:New Green Building Products — June 2013.

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