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Green Building Blog

Green Remodeling Workshops Coming to a Town Near You

REGREEN Roadshow: USGBC and ASID's guide helps you navigate green remodeling projects like kitchens, baths, basements, deep energy retrofits, and more. And GBA is a big part of taking the training on the road.

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Rob Moody, Organic Think
Image Credit: Peter Yost
Rob Moody, Organic Think
Image Credit: Peter Yost
Annette Stellmeack, Inspirit, LLC
Image Credit: Rob Moody
Peter Yost, BuildingGreen, LLC
Image Credit: Rob Moody

Ever since the premier of USGBC’s two-day REGREEN workshop in Phoenix, AZ at Greenbuild last November, Annette, Rob, and I have been gearing up for a slew of green remodeling workshops across the country — the REGREEN Roadshow. The REGREEN workshops are a lot of fun to teach (and take) for two reasons: one, the blend of builder/remodeler with interior design perspectives is completely refreshing; and two, the substantial and substantive group work woven into the workshop makes for an energetic and invigorating approach.

Now you might be saying to yourself: What? Interior designers and hard-core building science-builder types making sweet music together? You would be surprised at how well these perspectives can inform each other. Here is just one example:

Your clients TELL you they want new replacement windows. But what they actually want is to keep the way their windows currently look, not spend too much, and get real performance improvements (in terms of energy efficiency, thermal comfort, and daylighting — without overheating during the summer). Whew. So you sit down with an interior designer, and all of the sudden you need to compare about a dozen options — sash replacements, window films, cellular shades, awnings, shutters — all with real (but different) advantages. What started as a rather simple choice ends up to be quite a puzzle, based on a weaving of sometimes competing aspects: energy efficiency, lighting, views, privacy, cost, comfort, even noise. It’s just as much about interior design as it is hard-core remodeling.

Green remodeling is a really cool topic and REGREEN is a great approach to it. It’s definitely worth checking out theREGREEN Roadshow schedule. Look for a REGREEN workshop coming to your town or city soon.

GBA Representative Remodeling Projects:(The first two are featured case studies in the REGREEN workshop)

Affordable Green Remodel of a California Bungalow

Deep Energy Makeover: One Step At A Time


Green Basement Renovation: Adding Under a Home

Michigan’s First LEED Platinum Gut-Rehab

Sunroom Addition in Rhode Island

One Comment

  1. 帕姆沃尔顿||#1

    New DVD on Green Remodeling
    如果您正在考虑绿色改造,请恢复“绿色的永恒之家:”绿色,“令人耳目一新的SF湾区家庭改造项目。规划和建筑不仅考虑了家庭的需求,也认为环境和家庭周围环境。一个非凡的夫妇的绿色房子。DVD的附加信息包括与Builditgreen首席执行官Brian Gitt的对话。观看预览剪辑并订购27分钟的DVD

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