根据a report从疾病控制和预防中心,在两年期间,四个西方国家的18名工人被诊断出患有矽肺病,其中包括两个死亡。他们中的大多数都与工程石头合作。
Engineered stone—sold under brand names such as Caesarstone and Silestone—is made of quartz and a resin binder. Unlike many kinds of natural stone, engineered stone doesn’t need sealing or polishing, making it a popular choice among homeowners. But the material contains much higher levels of silica than does natural stone, the report says—more than 90% silica compared with the 45% or less in granite.
The spike in reported cases in Texas, Colorado, Washington, and California affected mostly Hispanic workers. The sharp increase in reported cases mirrors growing sales of the material; imports between 2010 and 2018 rose by roughly 800%.
Silicosis is an incurable disease caused by inhaling crystalline silica. Symptoms are progressive and irreversible and may result in death. Silica exposure also is linked to a number of other health problems, including lung cancer, tuberculosis, emphysema, autoimmune disease, and kidney disease, the CDCP said. Some of the patients identified in the report were in their 30s when they were diagnosed.
Silica isn’t a health threat once a countertop has been installed. It’s the cutting and polishing of engineered stone that can release dangerous levels of silica into the air. An estimated 100,000 workers in the U.S. are involved in the industry, according to aNational Public Radio report论CDCP研究。他们在大约8,700家制造商店工作,其中许多是小型操作。
“我们所有受影响的工人都与工程石头合作的事实,就像在国际上报告的许多工人一样重要,”Amy Heinzering博士是CDCP的流行性情报服务官员告诉NPR。
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration in 2016 toughened regulations on workplace exposure. Industry groups, including the National Association of Home Builders,fought the proposal在理由,目标在技术上和经济上不可行。
Many of the small shops where the engineered stone is worked are “small-scale operations” with limited awareness of the exposure rules, and limited money to invest in technologies that control exposure. Further, many employees in the industry are Hispanic immigrants with limited job options and reduced access to health care. They also may be fearful of retaliation if they report workplace hazards.
问题在于国际范围。澳大利亚昆士兰州开始在2018年开始筛选所有风险员工,并确定了799名工人的98例矽肺病 - 总数的12%。这表明美国可能还有更多的案例尚未确定。
“Silicosis is preventable; the cases reported here highlight the urgent need to identify stone fabrication workers at risk and prevent further excess exposure to silica dust,” the report notes. “Stone fabrication employers should be aware of this serious risk to their employees’ health and ensure that they adequately monitor and control exposures in compliance with the updated silica standards.”
NPR报道,一年之后新OSHA的限制took effect, the Trump administration canceled a national emphasis program (NEP) on crystalline silica. In发行订单, OSHA said it would determine “at a later date” whether a revised NEP is necessary. The program was aimed at providing guidance for inspecting worksites where silica exposure was possible.
-Scott Gibson is a contributing writer at Green Building Advisor andFine Homebuildingmagazine.
我为一个在共享空间中工作的Corian Fapricator的内阁商店工作了一段短暂的时间。没有任何安全措施,包括在包括制造商,在工作时吸烟。我记得偶尔扫描尘埃和另一个人使用压缩空气吹出车库湾的员工。盘旋在工作区的尘土云。幸运的是,我是一个安装人员,几乎没有时间暴露在任何灰尘。
It amazes me "sweat shop" conditions still exist today in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The business owner well respected in their community.
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