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Q&A Spotlight

Passivhaus Design in Minnesota


结构绝缘面板是一种选择that a GBA reader is considering for the R-80 walls he will need in order to achieve Passivhaus certification for his new house.
图片来源:Craig Miller Productions

随着净为零的能源和经过武器认证的房屋变得越来越普遍,听到额外的外墙额定为R-40或R-50并不常见。但这对汤姆·施密特(Tom Schmidt)来说还不够好,汤姆·施密特(Tom Schmidt)在明尼苏达州建造了3,800平方英尺的房屋。

r - 80更喜欢它,和墙壁需要”有限公司st-effective” as well as not too thick.

Schmidt’s quest has apparently been prompted by a design that places living space over a garage. According to Schmidt’s Passivhaus consultant, this configuration brings with it some energy penalties and results in the need for additional insulation.

“我们已经经历了几次通行证,以使其尽可能高效,并且正处于剩下的唯一变化会带来重大影响的地方,就是将车库从起居区下方取出并将其分开。”施密特在post at GBA’s Q&A forum



“Vacuum insulated panels sound interesting, but I don’t know if they are meant for an entire external envelope,” he adds. “The goal is to still keep it cost effective. I just don’t want a 3-foot wall to do it.”

Are Schmidt’s goals achievable? And even if they are, are they reasonable? That’s the topic for this Q&A Spotlight.

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  1. 黛布拉·格劳兹(Debra Glauz)||#1

    "According to Schmidt's Passivhaus consultant, this configuration brings with it some energy penalties and results in the need for additional insulation." Please elaborate on these penalties.

  2. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#2

    对黛布拉·格劳兹(Debra Glauz)求助
    The energy penalty is increased heat flow through the building envelope (floors, walls, and roof).



    That's the issue that Tom Schmidt was referring to when he wrote, "We designed it to have living space over the garage. My understanding from the Passive House consultant is that based on how Passive House calculates everything, you are penalized by having a tuck-under like we do."

  3. 黛布拉·格劳兹(Debra Glauz)||#3

    Thank you. I understand efficient shapes. I was just making sure there wasn't some obscure penalty for parking a car underneath a living space.
    Sounds like surface/floor ratio is high so super insulating the garage ceiling, along with super insulating walls and ceiling for the living space over garage is not going to get the job done.

  4. 跳过哈里斯||#4

    当人们谈论最小化表面积并使用真空面板时,就会想到“但是它仅适用于真空中的球形鸡”。是的,这是极端的,但是如果有人真的想做这个令人印象深刻的隔热水平,而不是在Cape Cod租用一个不错的海岸房屋,请判断谁?而且我们经常从极端的原则中学习,所以请吧!

  5. 尼克T -6A(MN)||#5

    trade offs?


    Also it seems odd that someone would be so gung ho to be "certified" yet purposely make the house inefficiently laid out? Also seems odd that a few extra wall surfaces (buffered from outdoor conditions by garage walls/door) would cause this dramatic of an increase in needed R... (especially since the garage is likely at least somewhat insulated, (since its a mcmansion...))

    有点像买一个prius以友好友好...但是然后将其停在车库里,每天开车去上班.....: - /

  6. Donald Jahnke||#6

    我同意这更便宜PV than add all the R value for a trophy but if that's what the customer wants you build it for him. I would rather see thicker sip panels than stud walls with blow in as it still settles gravity always wins. There are a number of those built in northern MN and an infrared drive by shows that after a couple years they all settle. I wonder if they thought of a sip floor over the garage to separate the spaces.

  7. John Klingel||#7

    唐·J(Don J):“有许多在北部北部建造的,并通过显示几年后的红外线驱动器。”据我所知,纤维素比自然沉降密度更密集(1.75至2个PCF?)不会沉降。此外,如果它确实安顿下来并且墙壁的包装与盖子连续,那没关系。您只需要在盖子的周围吹更多一点即可。也就是说,在窗户下安顿下来将是有问题的,因此请打包好。

  8. 克里斯蒂安·科森(Christian Corson)||#8

    Hmmmm. When I plug in one of our Certified, foam free (except for sub slab and window install, the two area's that I believe should be vapor closed) cellulose filled projects, in Minn, MN. The AHD stays exactly the same. The Peak load stays the same. The primary energy demand (source energy) rises slightly. From say 99 kWh/M2a to 102 kWh/M2a. Still well within PH standards.


    If you want to trade R80 walls for ineffective geometry,insolation,poor glazing specs/ cheap doors whatever. That is fine. Dont have a discussion about PH. These are design issue's. Not PH issues.

    阿拉斯加费尔班克斯(Fairbanks Alaska)拥有14000多名HDD,明尼阿波利斯(Minneapolis)约为7500hdd。贝尔法斯特我。7500hdd

    除非您想要一个如何在费尔班克斯建造出色的房子,否则我不会看Thorstons的偏远墙。14000 HDD气候在极端的时间内保持光线和黑暗。


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