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尽管谷歌的效率,我仍然找正ormation from books. Even if I’m only looking for one specific bit of knowledge, reading the whole book frequently teaches me things I didn’t even know I didn’t know. It’s a lifelong habit, and I credit it as the reason I was able to ever land a job as an editor despite never having graduated college.


建筑物上有很多书 - “模式语言,“”建筑物如何学习,“ 任何事物 ”拉里万“曾写过关于框架,当然乔lstiburek的传奇”Builder’s Guides。“人们可能会争辩说,专注于节能的书是最重要的阅读。但是我在建筑物上阅读的所有书籍中,我最重要的是威廉B. Rose的“建筑物中的水:建筑师的水分和霉菌指南。“

“建筑物中的水”并不容易阅读。它更像是一个大学教科书,而不是其他任何教科书,虽然它比在教科书中发现的比我所发现的更幽默。要了解它,我甚至不得不聘请每一个英语专业的祸根 - 我应该在罗格斯代替啤酒代数中主修。我不能声称通过书中的每个方程都有面条,但是当字母表相交时,对实际系统的每个方面都有一些基本的理解是至关重要的。然而,最终,“建筑物中的水”的目的不是提供Pat解决方案或在建筑物中处理水的方法。


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  1. 比尔上升||#1



    Nigel Isaacs from Victoria University of Wellington (NZ) became so curious about this excessive ventilation that he applied for a Fulbright to investigate, got it, spent a winter at our University and traveled the US to go through all the files of the members of the panel from a hundred years ago. In Minneapolis he found the diamond—a penciled note on a draft version that said .7%. If it had read 0.7% this international calamity might have been averted. He figures that 0.7% was maybe a translation from 1 sq. in. of opening per sq. ft. of floor area, for a wider audience. I’ve emailed Nigel to provide the readers the best references.

  2. 专家成员


  3. Doug Mcevers.||#3


  4. 专家成员

    I call it my building science bible. It's dense with information, and took me a year to get through the first time. The science is tied together with engaging stories and was faster on subsequent readings. I refer to it regularly.

  5. 丹科尔伯特||#5


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